Moon Child

“Celebrate the miracle that is a child’s wonder!”


Moon Child


that moon
that child
hold eternity’s promise in share

hold in concert
dreams of the future

colorful pails on the ocean’s beach
festooned in starfish and octopus

jelly and jam
on crustless bread

lipstick smeared
on a giddy grin
two outs two strikes
bottom of the ninth
lost to the world
of pretend

a campfire
shared with friends
‘neath a canopy of forever stars

the strum of imagination
that brings song
to the young heart
that elevates
the courage of youth

the rhythm of spirit
that brings the thrill of dance
to young feet
that drives away
the limp of sadness

the hands of time
that will carry the dreams
into the future
toward the doors
opening on possibility

but now
that moon child
is alight with anticipation


looking to that miracle
that is tomorrow

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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