
“This portrait is a portrait of courage, written to share my belief that quality of life is a matter of attitude. The positive attitude that begets the gratitude to be alive. I am a writer, always drawing on fact and intelligent fiction to write meaningful works”

Taken in 2013 at a rock concert in Germany.




unquestionably joy
in a most unexpected place
the eyes of a fighter
cruel society deems disabled

he may be immobile
legs withered useless
confined to others’ care
and his rolling metal chair

but he’s a dude

black nike high-tops
black denim slacks
skin-tight black t-shirt
black leather wristband

cool smile
on a rugged face

total bad-ass

but his gentle eyes
reflect a wonder
my jaded heart
has long since lost

by vanity
sadly extinguished

his spirit knows only trust
it pours forth from his soul

hoisted lovingly
above the crowd
he is enthralled
by the rhythm
by the magic

the guitar soars
the saxman wails
the singer roars
the drummer flails

he rocks and waves
fist pumps and sways
joy’s so widespread
he throws back his head

fully alive
locked in the moment
by every note
every beat
every nuance

he experiences an ecstasy
at which I can only marvel

oh, if I could but feel
the purity of joy
this special being feels

so complete
so unencumbered

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

NOTE: This portrait is a composite of 3 people. Two in this composite are real, and the third is my imaginings regarding the great courage of the man, unknown to me, pictured in the amazing photo above. The first in my personal life is Barry, my lifelong friend and former business partner, now confined to a chair with MS. He is a brilliant photographer. I have written about Barry before here on Image & Verse, and shown some of his remarkable work. The 2nd is a man I met during cardiac rehabilitation, following the 2017 implantation of my pacemaker, after my 4th heart attack. He is a physical therapist with a severed lower spinal cord. Both these guys are amazing dudes, and deserving of a portrait in courage.


Rob Kistner enjoying a Kandinsky at SFMOMA in San Francisco.


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  • No Farewell



    No Farewell

    Inspired by Peter Sarstedt’s “Where Do You Go To My Lovely”


    where do you go
    in your head
    he said

    just more silence
    always silence

    so he left it
    just as he had found it
    and with a shrug
    and walked away
    saying nothing

    this was
    after all
    always her way

    he never knew
    quite where her head was

    to comment
    would have been irrelevant
    and he’d grown so weary
    of irrelevance
    so very weary

    he goes away
    no more comments
    no farewell

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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