Voice of the Ancestors

Sculpture above by: Rose “Bean” Simpson

Voice of the Ancestors


Here, where stood your earthen abodes, where you lived in hamony with nature, the voices of your elders rose with the night fires. It was a sacred chant, in rich knowing voice, as the flames roared, and you danced.

It was a hallowed blaze of enlightenment, warming you with the knowledge of your ancestors — the knowledge of the four directions. But the footsteps are but echos, while the sacred fire has died. Its embers now ashen, but still your hearts are aflame.

In a world out of balance, who will stir the fires of vision? Who will again ignite the flame of wisdom? Who will again dance the steps of knowledge? In this world so out of balance, we need your voices to rise again, blessing the land of your origins — the home of you, the original peoples.

we did not listen
we did not heed your warnings
now we pay the price

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click for more dVerse poetry inspired by indigenous peoples:

    Haibun Monday 10/12/19: Indigenous

  • Highway Flyer

    “Inspired by my year-long 1970 motorcycle trip from Ohio to the west, that later became a key part of the impetus for my wife and I moving to Oregon in 1990.”


    Highway Flyer


    the vast prairies
    of my middle america
    still in my mirrors
    leaning comfortably into turns
    breeze streaming my long hair
    I begin to wind my way
    into the mountains
    into the golden evening
    alive with two-wheeled freedom
    master of the open road
    not counting days
    not keeping track
    just feet up and flying

    as I dash between shadow and light
    the sun reveals itself
    from time to time
    from between the peaks
    warming me
    as it begins to settle
    behind the western slope
    of the mighty Rockies

    I’ve shed structure
    the heavy mantle of life
    to venture into the random
    into the unknown
    to fully embrace life
    the magnificent perfection
    of simply living
    in and for the moment
    enjoying the thrill of the throttle
    without leaving the ground


    twisting along the asphalt
    as it snakes its way
    upcoming curves often hidden
    disappearing behind a rise
    then surprising as I crest
    roller-coastering my way west

    mountain peaks soar ahead
    enfolded in clouds
    that roll snd tumble
    through the brilliant blue
    of the big western sky

    I charge onward
    transfixed by the wonders
    that surround and astound
    filled with exhilaration
    just a touch of danger
    to season this excitement
    enthralled by the discovery
    of what it truly means
    to be free


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more prairie inspired poems at Toads