February Rain

“Original version of this poem posted here on October 25th as “Come February”. It was in the 1st person. Rewriting this one in 3rd person, from my perspective, shifts the essence from feeling personally sad to feeling empathy for another.”


February Rain

here he is
wishing wishes
for those days
when life made sense
thinking thoughts
that tear at him
for the things
he failed to be

how he does desire
the damp dreary days
of february
when his forlorned
fallen face
is commonplace

when no one intrudes
to question
what’s the matter
when they see
the tears he cries
there come no why’s

because all around
are caught up in the blues

oh if only
she could find it
in her heart

to forgive
this sadly lost
and broken man

who much too late
he was a fool

and in his sorrow
love will not stir

but how he wishes
ill-tempered weather
would occur

to drive the joyful
all around him
to indoor spaces

so he’d be spared
the pain
of smiling faces

and the bitter
bitter memory
of losing her

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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    Meet the Bar by changing your perspective

  • Wild Heart

    “Originally written about a proud wild beast, I changed the perspective to being the beast. That change made the poem empowering for me, rather than just powerful.”


    No — I will not be confined
    always in motion
    restless is my spirit
    perpetual like the seas

    my wild heart
    challenges constraint
    defies boundary
    to bolt at will

    I will not be defined
    my nature is fluid
    my essence turbulent
    deep — ever changing

    reach not for me
    I will not be held
    do not name me
    I will not be yours

    rob kistner © 2022

    Poetry at: Earthweal