Hiking Paradise

…a hike in the Oregon mountains…


Hiking Paradise


Filtered by the towering woodland canopy overhead, sunlight drifts down dreamlike to settle radiant, igniting the breathtaking forest cathedral before me. Suddenly, a young doe bounds onto the trail ahead, stands proudly, pausing in the warmth of the rays. She considers me briefly, then disappears as quick as a stolen glance, quiet as passing time.

I dart my eyes here, then there, in a vain attempt to follow. Its then I catch a glimpse of silver-blue, reflecting resplendently, where massive old-growth trunks part — Lost Lake! This is the prize I sought on my hike today into this Cascade wilderness paradise.

I step through the opening, to climb a huge boulder. A deep expanse of chill mountain lake unfurls before me, sparkling cerulean and sterling, in the crisp quickening breeze. I sit, pull my legs under me, and lean forward — enthralled. Elbows on knees, I marvel, mesmerized by the energy and splendor of this natural wonder.

crystal on blue lake
dances in gilding sunlight
crisp breeze stirs old growth


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click below for more hiking at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday 8/31/20: Take a Hike!

  • Helianthus Gold


    Helianthus Gold


    across the meadow
    last night’s dew clings
    fondly to the old-growth

    wrapped in crystalline embrace
    it adorns the stately cedars
    as if diamonds
    that sparkle
    in the morning sun

    a splendor befitting
    their regal beauty

    this Spring day
    begins bright and crisp

    bird songs lilt
    carried on a light breeze

    in the meadow
    Helianthus raise their golden heads
    to follow the sun’s journey west

    I see you afar
    approaching on the path
    backlit by sunrise
    your hair golden in dawn’s glow

    lover beholding beloved

    I sit
    warmed in daybreak’s window
    with tea and fascination

    I watch you
    as you stop to rest

    in this moment
    my love spills over
    floods ’round me
    until I am consumed

    your lips sculpt a smile
    I’m swept away
    on passion’s tide
    this golden sunflower morning


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Musicality




    we were jazzing along the lake
    the moon bee-bopping this magic night
    saxing its light upon us
    it pianoed into my very soul
    fluting up thoughts of tympanied love
    trumpeting my chorded lust
    drumming my erotic fantasies
    wowing me in musicality

    swellingly, the moment classicalated
    my mind piccoloed in joy
    as I oboed eagerly into you ear
    celloing my deep-felt feelings
    trebling you to my clef
    I violined your quivered lips
    and symphonyed my arms around you
    to crescendo you in strains of passion


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse:

    Meet the bar, verbing

  • The Balance



    The Balance


    when the wheat
    is sorted to chaff
    and the grain
    is drafted for bread

    then life
    again shows its nature
    its necessary contrast
    of yin and yang

    as the grain cannot exist
    without the chaff
    neither can good
    manifest without the bad
    neither can light
    manifest without the dark

    this is the weight
    this is the depth
    this is the mystery
    this is the meaning

    this is the balance

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetics: Waiting on Wheat

  • The Vast



    The Vast


    standing at the edge
    feeling far below
    the great tides

    the ebb and flow
    the rise and fall
    the vast undulation

    sparkled golden
    glinting in sunlight
    like the windblown sway
    of tasseled wheat
    burnished aureate
    rolling ripe for harvest

    this is the come and go
    of centuries
    wave by wave
    day by day

    might incarnate
    the power of indifference
    the surge of perfect apathy

    and I
    as a grain of wheat
    in an unfurling field
    stretching to the horizon

    as the grain of beach sand
    bounced and tumbled
    below me here
    dragged helpless
    in the relentless undertow

    a froth-topped crest
    translucent aqua
    rises up in beckon

    a silk of azure
    slides smoothly
    down its sloping back
    as it dances
    on the cerulean deep

    how easily
    I could slip in
    slide seamlessly
    into that fathomed realm

    down down ever down
    into the bottom black
    into the waiting silence
    without so much
    a noticed sound

    into the churn and roar
    without so much
    a ripple
    to disturb the steady surf

    a subtle crease
    even as it came

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetics: Waiting on Wheat

  • Time Traveling



    Time Traveling


    careful hands
    peel back cracked
    and yellowed glassine
    from faded aging pages

    too often ignored
    this dusty photo album

    I’m liberating memories
    life moments

    faces and places
    call from another time

    life’s had its bumps
    and its beauty

    I time travel

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse:

    Quadrille #110: Shall we bum around a bit?


  • Vigilant




    I dwell still
    in the sky clouds
    above the first place
    above Anahuac
    above the valley of origin
    I am Xoloti

    Chimalma is another
    we dwell
    Chimalma and I
    and too Xiuhpilli
    Quetzalcoatl also
    we watch
    ever vigilant
    quiet and patient

    we watch by night
    watching with Meztli
    we watch by day
    watching with Tonatiuh
    we watch our people

    the sons and daughters
    of the Toltec
    of the Aztec
    of the others
    who were there
    we watch now
    how they are treated

    we are quiet
    and we are patient
    but we are not happy

    if our patience breaks
    so then too will our silence
    and we will send down
    the spirits of Cuauhmeh
    our eagle warriors
    to stir the hearts
    and ignite the souls
    of our peoples

    then there will be
    a roar of truth
    then there will be
    an uprising of justice
    then will we at last
    settle this

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Why Dog


    Why Dog


    why do you find me dog
    why will you not let me be
    you belonged to her

    but she is gone

    you know this is so
    don’t you dog

    I see it in your eyes
    the sadness there
    sadness I recognize

    the sorrow
    pressing in
    as these night winds stir
    darkness pressing in

    but she’s gone boy
    lost into the lightless realm
    beyond this chill encircling us

    you shiver
    you feel it too
    don’t you boy

    but I’ve no emotion here
    save grief
    as is buried
    in your worried whimper

    I’ve no good comfort here
    but come
    come here boy
    that’s a good dog

    I know
    I know
    me too boy

    me too

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #272: On This Day…

  • Le Filou



    Le Filou


    when donned the mask
    the transformation
    smoulders forth the other

    the fantasy
    on wings of dreams
    your lovely le filou

    she is she
    yet too
    the other

    unleashed at light of passion’s moon
    manifest at your request
    sustained this night
    at her delight

    she is your isis
    she is your venus
    she is your every longing loosed

    and you

    her jester
    her lustful fool

    she brings everything in life you miss
    bestowed with aphrodite’s kiss
    but as you burn you should know this
    beneath the mask waits a strange abyss

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to check out the clowning around at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics — Clowning Around

  • Laughing Larry


    …in keeping with my ‘dark’ suspicions about clowns…


    Laughing Larry


    “gaze upon me
    if you will
    my countenance crafted
    to fool
    and thrill

    I’ve spent years in greasepaint
    and sorrow
    I rue the past
    I dread tomorrow”

    they call me laughing larry

    it wasn’t intentional
    you see

    I only wanted her to
    hear me

    to know my heart

    but her laughter
    her hollow
    taunting laughter
    her laughter wouldn’t stop

    it wouldn’t stop
    and I needed her to hear me
    to understand how I felt

    but the laughing
    and laughing
    the incessant laughing
    I simply couldn’t have the laughing

    so I made it stop

    now I hide behind this painted smile
    now everyone is laughing
    and laughing

    but I no longer hear

    I’ll spend years in greasepaint
    and sorrow
    rueing the past
    dreading tomorrow

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to check out the clowning around at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics — Clowning Around

  • Broken Wing


    Broken Wing


    There was a time, not long ago, when I was proud of my country, this United States of America. My patriotism stirred when we were lead by a proud, intelligent, strong, black man. A man of principle and courage. A man who embraced truth. A man with a sense of decency, and a sense of humor.

    But then my country broke my heart. We elected Trump. On the heels of a time of light and possibility, we have been dragged down into a time of despair and darkness. We let ignorance rule the day.

    I still embrace the fading image of America. I still have hope. I still feel the reverberations of the time that was Obama. But now truth and liberty has a broken wing. When it is over, said, and done, it WAS a time — and there was never enough of it.

    ~ ~

    (Above is 144 words. Below are my fully expressed feelings)

    There was a time, not long ago, when I was proud of this country we call the United States of America. My patriotism stirred when we were lead by a proud, intelligent, strong, black man. A man of principle and courage. A man who embraced truth. A man with a sense of decency, and a sense of humor.

    It gave me hope that we, as a country, had turned a corner, and were going to move away from, and above the unfortunate and misguided hatred and stupidity that would rear its ugly head from time to time. That we were smarter and better

    But then this country broke my heart, and enabled a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, a spiteful demagogue to take power — it elected the utterly unqualified Donald Trump to be our President. On the heels of a time of light and possibility, we have been dragged down into a time of despair and darkness – and it’s our own fault. We have allowed ignorance to rule the day.

    I still embrace the fading image of America, but it is impossible to be proud of our leadership at this time in history. I still have hope, because I still feel the reverberations of the very recent time, when this country stood tall, when this country began to again lift and soar, the time that was Obama. But now truth and liberty has a broken wing. When it is over, said, and done, it WAS a time — and there was never enough of it.

    Sadly, not nearly enough of it.

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to check out more wonderful words at dVerse:

    Prosery Monday: A Time

  • Not Wanting


    Not Wanting


    when the human spirit learns to love
    and be grateful
    finding more joy in giving
    than receiving
    when all, even the least
    can live in dignity
    not wanting for the core
    of their humanity
    — then will we ride the saucers
    shining to the heart of tomorrow


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to check out more streaming and dreaming at dVerse:

    MTB: Stream of Consciousness Writing


  • Arc of the Ages


    Arc of the Ages


    do not hide
    from the great orb
    of unquestioning fate
    that spins in the spaces
    of destiny’s light and dark
    days of falter and fear
    unsteady on legs
    of unquenchable doubt
    what your mind must
    conceal from the assassin
    of joy and forgiveness
    held pure
    by time and the hands of
    the waiting who cower
    yet smile
    singing truth through
    the hail and barrage
    ‘cross the bow mast of glory
    seeking broad measure and berth
    as all that you seem to
    desire slips slowly like
    rain down a vent pipe
    to plumb deep
    the black dreams
    such is the slag-shattered
    glass of the future
    that moves slow
    through the arc
    of the ages
    who’ve waited and
    watched ‘neath the moon
    of deliberate ancients
    that revolves in the
    void of the others
    that see what we
    knew to be ever
    the voice of the lost
    to the light
    of the dawning that
    heralds the word of
    this time that’s upon
    us and holds us at
    last in the fire
    of visions and
    longing for all that
    we are to be
    here in our heart
    of the moment
    that flees like
    a squandered teardrop
    forever away from
    our failing grasp

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to check out more streaming at dVerse:

    MTB: Stream of Consciousness Writing