



I dwell still
in the sky clouds
above the first place
above Anahuac
above the valley of origin
I am Xoloti

Chimalma is another
we dwell
Chimalma and I
and too Xiuhpilli
Quetzalcoatl also
we watch
ever vigilant
quiet and patient

we watch by night
watching with Meztli
we watch by day
watching with Tonatiuh
we watch our people

the sons and daughters
of the Toltec
of the Aztec
of the others
who were there
we watch now
how they are treated

we are quiet
and we are patient
but we are not happy

if our patience breaks
so then too will our silence
and we will send down
the spirits of Cuauhmeh
our eagle warriors
to stir the hearts
and ignite the souls
of our peoples

then there will be
a roar of truth
then there will be
an uprising of justice
then will we at last
settle this

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


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