That Velvet

Vote = Voice — Speak Up! 2CC45105-E580-4197-9120-35D724A74CF8

Sorry for this interruption. Feel free to ignore this section and move directly down to the poem, if you choose. The poem is much more sensual and dreamy. This first section is cold, no-filtered, stark reality — fully and sincerely expressed, as I see it. You see, I need to sum up my final, perhaps controversial thoughts, on the issue of protest, introduced here last Thursday. I have been slowly simmering since then: Love MUST win. My proud hippie soul tells me it can — it must for earth, and her human tribe to flourish. As naive and pollyanna as this may sound, I haven’t lived nearly 74 years believing that peace, love, and intelligence will find a way — to simply stand by and see these qualities of integrity snd dignity trampled beneath the feet of humankind’s baser instincts. Perhaps good people have turned the other cheek for too long. Maybe being passively resigned to the perpetraters of evil is not the way. Perhaps it requires an extreme natural culling of the tribe to remove the evil, the result of the arrogant stupidity of that group. Whether I should revel in that possibility is something my peaceful self has been truly struggling with the past few years — since the extinguishing of the Obama light. It goes against my nature. But the continuing greedy, destructive, and heartless ways must end, or perhaps be brought to an end. At my age and health, I, and most of my Aquarian generation, can’t, or won’t, effectively mount the resistance. We lack the stamina or money, or both. Too many among my generation, who may be capable, have lost the vision — turned during the mine-me-first Reagan 80’s, and the grab-fest in the years that followed. I feel we need responsible, strong young leaders to organize on a large scale, activate on a broad scale. It breaks my heart to say it — but me and my generation, we failed. Those who are coming after us, can’t afford to — or humankind and this great spaceship earth, truly are fucked! The power can belong to the young — take it, and wield it wisely! Sorry if I shocked or offended. Just the honest humble opinion of a tired old man. Not too tired to *** VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! ***


And now {{{deep breath}}} time for the poetic entertainment:


…inspired by the Kate Bush video, “The Sensual World”…
This is a 2nd revision of my original 2012 version.



That Velvet


would I were that velvet
that she reaches for so fondly
strokes with delicate pure fingers
with soft silken hands she lingers

embraces to her bosom
wraps ’round her slender shoulders
tingles with excitement
as she surrenders to its touch

would I were that velvet
that drapes her lilting essence
that falls and folds and fondles
as she ascends the stairs each night

the plush and luscious fiber
that rises on her breasts
with each soft and subtle sigh
each deep impassioned breath

oh would I were that velvet
that glides her naked form
on those sunset autumn evenings
enwraps her perfect body warm

that chills and thrills in shivers
as she opens it ‘neath moonlight
and swoons hushed smouldered gasps
as she blooms forth firm and pleasured

oh would I were that velvet
would I were that velvet
oh sweet sensuous angel
would I were
would I were

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2012
(revision © 2020)


Open Link Night #275

Life Is Balance

We need, we want, we struggle, seeking the advantage.
What we truly need — balance.



Life Is Balance


life is balance

the keeping of it
the regaining of it
when lost

life is awesome
an experience of the profound

it is the mystery
we are not meant to solve

to celebrate
with grace
and wonder

so wonder powerfully
and dream ferociously

carry those dreams
in open hands
so promise’s winds
catch them to soar

bestow those dreams
wings of faith
to carry you
to wisdom’s shore

share those dreams
with an open mind
resonate truth
inspire others to be more

offer those dreams
in peace to all
in love to all
love is the door

the gateway
to the great mystery

love is all you need

in the end
the love you take
is the love you make

so share love
make love
love with great freedom
with great abandon
with gratitude
with the power of the spheres

just as the butterfly
lights upon the petal
so too
hold love

love is the truth

love maintains the balance

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more at dVerse:

    dVerse — Poetics — The Vatic Voice

  • Folds of Time



    Folds of Time


    In this moonlit forest, autumn shimmers bright and crisp, through the boughs of old growth, like a wisp of star clusters. Softly it sweeps our high-mountain meadow in a dazzling down.

    This night falls brisk, quiet as a whisper, when a great white owl echoes through the frosted cedars. Lover and beloved, entwined ‘neath midnight’s window, we sigh, enchanted by this lullaby floating on the freshening breeze.

    In warm embrace we muse, until with dreams, we drift into a gentle slumber, aloft in wonder, unmoored of time and place. We breathe deeply this lover’s nocturne, wrapped in the splendor of the ebb and flow of magic.

    ride the autumn moon
    to seek the dreams of magic
    enwrapped there gently
    like a held breath of stardust
    in crystalline folds of time

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more moondreams at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday 9/28/20: to the Moon!

  • Pookie


    what is racism
    you think that you understand
    listen to pookie
    then don’t just say, “I got it”
    listen again — listen hard

    rob kistner © 2020


    His mom calls him Pookie.

    My head was turned, and my mind and my heart was opened by this man, Brandon Leake, a spoken word artist — winner of this season’s AGT. He made this white man look a little more deeply at what I think I understand, and I thank him for it! Truth and revelation can be found in unexpected places.

    To elucidate. The power I found in Brandon was his ability to make me better “feel” a bit clearer, the impact that racism has on a black parent — his mother. That woke me to realize that I have never “thought” I was racist, and still don’t, when I intellectualize it. But I had no genuine inkling of how it really feels, and still don’t at its full depth and measure.

    But I now understand, and feel, at least the initial threshold of that particular black parent experience, in that I know well, in my gut, the fear and worry I have regarding the safety and well bring of my children and my grandchild — and I don’t have to include worrying about their very life, simply because of the color of their skin. I have “known” that such a situation existed in the black reality, but I never had to include that in my portfolio of parental fears and feelings.

    My 18-year-old son Aaron was killed, so as a parent/grandparent, I always hope their lives are safe. But Aaron was not killed for the absurd reason of the color of his skin. Now, because of Brandon’s remarkable ability as a poet and spoken word artist, he has made me feel a bit of that unfortunate black terror.

    My mind and heart have been expanded a little further because of Brandon “Pookie” Leak, a truly remarkable young man, whose words and voice I hope continue to ring out with the power and possibility that he embodies. Please stay safe young man! Peace!


    MTB: Protest Poetry

    Of Gods Begot

    Catrin Welz-Stein


    Of Gods Begot


    begot of gods and the occult
    embraced by purity of a swan
    resplendent sorceress without fault
    her spirit gentle as the dawn

    descended from the loins of circe
    she is a goddess of the wand
    mistress of both love and mercy
    she’ll take you to xanadu and beyond

    fantastic is this spell she’s casting
    magic of a splendorous kind
    a world of wonder everlasting
    in treasure troves of dreams entwined

    in fantasy’s elaboration
    through stars of splendor you’ll ascend
    a journey through pure imagination
    your blissful voyage will never end

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more Walz-Stein inspired poetry at dVerse:

    Let Your Words Be Your Paintbrush!

  • Succumbed

    Catrin Welz-Stein




    he has kept it locked for so long

    the horror of that night
    holds the seal tight
    the memory riveted

    grief’s blackened key
    securely barring entry

    none can pass

    his bitter resolve
    makes certain
    none will try

    this is a stark forbidden place

    cold and barren
    as the moon



    a wasteland of the lost
    inhabited by the dead

    the gate grown over
    by a tangle of despair
    and anger

    but see
    a shadow falls across the threshold
    someone approaches

    a comely being
    warm and alive
    lays gentle siege
    threatening to breach
    his hardened fortress

    but this lovely creature
    fair and fragile
    can not possibly gain entrance
    must not

    he will resist
    this is wrong
    this is trespass
    this is cruel betrayal
    of his lost beloved

    he has no right
    to leave this place of sorrow
    no right

    but his stronghold is succumbing
    to this delicate advance

    he is vulnerable
    but it is useless to resist

    searching with a patient heart
    she has found the key
    grasped in her loving hand
    it has become golden


    fingers tenderly enfold it
    she slides it into the lock
    turning with great care

    he is defenseless
    he feels his heart slowly open
    the long forgotten stir of love
    begins to warm his soul

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more Walz-Stein inspired poetry at dVerse:

    Let Your Words Be Your Paintbrush!

  • Never

    Catrin Welz-Stein




    he has kept it locked for so long

    the horror of that night
    holds the seal tight
    the memory riveted
    securely barring entry

    none can pass

    his bitter resolve
    makes certain
    none will try

    this is a stark forbidden place

    cold and barren
    as the moon



    a wasteland of the lost
    inhabited by the dead

    the gate grown over
    by a tangle of grief
    and anger

    any memory
    of a once vital presence
    of a living breath
    of warmth
    of joy

    forever gone

    long ago
    brutal night had fallen
    on the void within

    no sun can penetrate

    the blackness soothes him
    he retreats into its depths
    embraces its lightless void



    shielded from any possibility
    of further pain
    or remorse

    he is unfeeling
    safely lifeless

    in that long ago
    he gave his heart’s key
    to dark despair

    shrouded in mourning
    atop the winged bird of misery
    took flight
    never to return

    never to return


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more Walz-Stein inspired poetry at dVerse:

    Let Your Words Be Your Paintbrush!

  • Awakening Song



    Awakening Song


    silver moon in black satin sky
    bare your sterling soul on high
    shimmer ‘cross this sleeping world
    enchantment be this night unfurled
    ’til all dreams are dreamed tonight
    ’til pure hearts are lifted light
    then new hope awaken strong
    let peace be awakening’s song

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below for more quadrilles at dVerse…

    Quadrille #112: The Sky’s the Limit (in 44 words)

  • Immortal Heart



    Immortal Heart


    mysterious lady in blackened silk
    a bewitching beauty as to mesmerize
    sculpted by a darklord’s hand
    so seductive as to scandalize

    a wilding stare of icy blue
    floats above a dangerous pout
    spellbound by her magic eyes
    she holds your soul with no way out

    her tongue tip teases her top lip’s edge
    like a supple paintbrush flowing
    her smile will ignite and hypnotize
    then wrap around you knowing

    you are now her helpless captive
    held hopelessly soul addicted
    as her immortal heart combusts to flame
    is she an angel — or truly wicked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

    Image: Brooke Shaden


  • To read more poems at Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE
  • Silence!





    are you traveling with me to the coast
    if so, we will be leaving at first light
    the need to be on time is uppermost
    I want to be there, settled in tonight

    the party promises to be a blast
    cool people, drinks, and food of ev’ry kind
    these soirees have been epic in the past
    if we are late, we will be left behind

    tomorrow it is breakfast on the beach
    it’s there we meet our hostess for the week
    she’ll have the masks she’s chosen, one for each
    remember, after that we do not speak

    then to the yacht, where wondrous games are played
    magic – this high seas silent masquerade

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020

  • Click below for more poems at dVerse…

    Open Link Night #274 – Live Again!

  • Very Best Year Yet

    A nonet, borrowing a first line from Lawrenson.
    This one is done in a John Donne “Song” format (ababccddd).
    He is considered a pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.



    Very Best Year Yet


    summer has erupted in yet another disaster
    is there no let up in this misery and strife
    leaving this horror behind, please, can‘t it go faster
    too much terror and grief, rips the heart like a knife

    exchanging today’s deadly disease for wildfire tomorrow
    its not fair to be trapped on this dark trail of sorrow

    gold and joy in 2020, it was to be my very best year yet
    for my dreams were to flourish, I’d have all that I could get
    brassy fire ‘n tears are what happened, oh, such burning regret

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Listen to Van Morrison perform his “Rave On John Donne”:

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse Poet’s Pub:

    Poetics: 9 across for a count down

  • Goblins be Wan’drin

    2 nonets, borrowing their first lines from Merwin.



    Goblins be Wan’drin

    …goblins, witches, and ghosts are very active in the Northern Hemisphere throughout all of Autumn, the season of the dying of the light — so beware…


  • broken shadows across the cracked ground
    trees — gold, orange, crimson, brown
    leaves down, lay mottled ‘n crisp
    rustle’n crunch, winds brisk
    goblins’ be wan’drin
    witches in flight
    ghosts rise’n


  • broken shadows across the cracked ground
    trees turn — gold, orange, and crimson
    leaves down, lay mottled ‘n crisp
    rustle, crunch under foot
    goblins’ be wan’drin
    witches in flight
    ghosts arise

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse Poet’s Pub:

    Poetics: 9 across for a count down

  • Paradise Ravaged

    Mourning the unprecedented wildfires currently destroying Oregon & California.




    Paradise Ravaged


    There’s peace, night-wandering these slumbering mountains, spellbound by their vast forests. In their dreams they sleep with the moon. I search their peaceful rivers. My spirit carries buoyant over their boulders and falls, my soul listening to ancient secrets whispered by their waters, echoed hauntingly in the treetops by great white owls.

    These pristine mountains are breathtaking, unspoiled natural beauty. The fragrance of conifers intoxicate the night breezes, as moonlight drifts down dreamlike to blanket the forest’s canopy, to dance diamond-like on the chill mountain lakes. This special place is sacred, so close to my heart.

    But this night, the breezes have become unbreathable, blistering winds, choked with soot and poisonous smoke. The rivers black, strangled with char and smoldering debris. Wild fires continue to rage and ravage. I weep — but will there ever be tears enough to again cleanse pure my defiled paradise.


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2020


    fire dragons consume
    poisonous vapors strangle
    eden is dying


    span style=”color: #808080; font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;”>NOTE to “Blogger” site owners: I enjoy reading your work, but frustratingly, many “Blogger” sites DO NOT let me post comments? 🙂 So sorry if you don’t see personal comments from me on your “Blogger” site. But I will keep reading your work — and welcoming and responding to your comments here on Image & Verse.

  • Click to read more dVerse poems:

    Prosery Monday: Moonbeams and Moon Dreams