Very Best Year Yet

A nonet, borrowing a first line from Lawrenson.
This one is done in a John Donne “Song” format (ababccddd).
He is considered a pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.



Very Best Year Yet


summer has erupted in yet another disaster
is there no let up in this misery and strife
leaving this horror behind, please, can‘t it go faster
too much terror and grief, rips the heart like a knife

exchanging today’s deadly disease for wildfire tomorrow
its not fair to be trapped on this dark trail of sorrow

gold and joy in 2020, it was to be my very best year yet
for my dreams were to flourish, I’d have all that I could get
brassy fire ‘n tears are what happened, oh, such burning regret

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • Listen to Van Morrison perform his “Rave On John Donne”:

  • Click below to read more poetry at dVerse Poet’s Pub:

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