
Your unforeseen death came so very swift
ripping into my soul a deep ugly rift

you were so innocent, such a gentle, sweet gift

my shattered heart broken, my dreams now must shift

as back through precious memories I lovingly drift

grief tugs hard my heart, lil’ buddy, you’re so missed!

On 3/6/21 I lost lil’ Edgrrr, my forever buddy!

Sir DaVied

  • In memory of my friend, “piano man” DaVied Dominy, who passed 03/05/2005.

  • This is presented in fairy tale form, but this is not fantasy. This is based on a true story, no happy ending. A tale of woe, and a tale of warning. The tale of Sir DaVied, the musical wizard, and the dragon he was fated to battle for seven (7) years. Sir DaVied fought bravely, and fully accepted that this battle was his responsibility. This tale is not told lightly, but with genuine sadness, and enduring love.

    Sir DaVied


    he had such a great laugh
    and talent 100 fold

    he was a keyboard wizard
    who conjured hard won magic
    on a daily basis
    riding persistent sentry
    over his mighty sleeping dragon
    keeping it at bay
    protecting himself and loved ones
    from its ravaging fire

    this dragon had held him captive
    for a number of years
    having overtaken him one day
    in a careless moment of weakness
    when this wizard had been foolish
    and let down his guard

    but the brave wizard
    Sir DaVied as he was known
    had again found his courage
    and fought back the dragon
    driving it into submission
    difficult and tentative as it was

    sadly though
    the cunning dragon
    would not be held down
    and in a moment
    when the wizard’s vigilence
    had sadly waned
    the dragon pulled Sir DaVied
    once more under his evil spell

    on this fateful day
    the wizard’s infectious laughter
    had become infected lunacy
    his beautiful dreams
    had again become dread

    as the nightmares returned
    the dragon imprisoned the wizard
    in its dark and haunted lair

    it was reported
    Sir DaVied’s rants
    could be clearly heard
    above the bustle
    of the homeward privileged
    that passed unaware
    of the wizard’s dilemma

    the battle had raged
    coarse rants and ramblings
    rose from the rancid shadows
    until in final desperation
    fetid hands lit the fateful fire
    that brought to boil
    the white magic potion
    of the wizard’s deliverance

    he’d slipped the cold steel
    into the froth of sweet promise
    still warm with transformation
    and drew the white magic potion
    into the glassen’d vessel
    of ultimate escape

    tied and tapped into submission
    distraught from battle
    this magical musical wizard
    impaled his demons
    with the dragon’s dagger
    hoping the potion
    would drive back the dragon
    saving himself yet again

    but not this time
    no deliverance this time
    the dragon claimed the wizard
    as silver-white dreams
    carried him away

    the wizard was gone
    gone on his white horse
    for his final ride
    to the realm of no return

    now the wizard’s castle
    is in abandoned disarray
    no lights to stave off darkness
    the piano is broken-keyed
    caked with time snd neglect

    no more does the wizard
    descend the marble stairs
    and glide the black lacquered bench
    nor lay hands on the polished ivory
    to control the mighty Steinway

    no more does he confidently caress
    and coax those keys to his commands
    no more do the beautiful strains
    of the gold-framed spiral-string soundboard
    waft tenderly up the staircase
    or ring proudly from the atrium

    no, the wizard DaVied has passed
    and with him, the music has died

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021

    To check out more poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE

    Into Silence


    Into Silence


    standing here
    at cliff’s edge
    feeling far below
    the great tides

    the ebb and flow
    the rise and fall
    the come and go
    of centuries

    wave by wave
    day by day

    pure might incarnate
    the power of indifference
    the surge of perfect apathy

    and I
    as a grain of sand
    bounced and tumbled
    helpless in the undertow

    and that fringe of froth
    on the silken azure blue
    rolls in powerfully
    then rises up
    beckons me

    then slides smoothly
    down the sloping back
    of the ever surging wave
    dancing on the deep
    reaching to forever

    how easily I could slip
    into that fathomed realm

    ever down
    into the waiting silence
    without so much
    a noticed sound

    into the churn
    into the roar
    without so much
    a ripple
    to disturb
    the steady surf

    a subtle crease


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    Predawn Mist


    Predawn Mist


    My dad’s gentle nudge, and deep quiet voice, were urging me from under the warm covers. ”Wake up Bobby, I’m going to make breakfast before we go.” After his muffled footsteps, I heard the creak of the iron door, followed by the wooden thunk of fresh-cut kindling being loaded into the fire chamber. Then the scuffing sound of the poker, stirring the bed of red-glowing embers, encouraging them to ignite the fresh logs. There were then soft “phufts” as the lengths of virgin fuel burst to flame.

    As the big black stove groaned to full life, I felt the growing heat permeating the cabin. I could hear dad clunking and sliding the bulky iron skillets into place, working by soft lantern glow that clutched at the darkness. Breakfast was coming, signaled by early sizzles of Canadian bacon. I was hungry, and excitedly slid from bed, dreaming of the day of fishing that lay ahead.

    Breakfast behind us, I shivered, smiling through the damp darkness of the Ontario predawn, as we stepped carefully, by the light and hiss of the Coleman lanterns, down to the dock, where dad’s fishing boat waited. My fingers tingled to the metallic cold of the aluminum hull, as I climbed aboard. I was already bundled as a bear, but over that still went the life jacket, in the event of a tumble into the freezing water, still rippling under the morning moon.

    My heart soared as I heard my dad tugging on the starter rope, bringing the Evinrude to spark then roar, readying it to propel us into the dawn that would soon slowly roll over the chop-water. I lovingly gripped the cork handle of my favorite pole, as I felt the mist of hull-spray light on my cheeks. Another slight shiver brought me further awake, but not from the chill — this one was glorious anticipation. I loved fishing with dad!

    the roll of the boat
    predawn mist on my chilled cheeks
    loving my father

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE