Salmon Fishing

Nice catch!

The great wheel of time
turns ever slow and steadily
its ponderous mass unstoppable
relentless as a steady bear
prowling the forest
or stationed patiently
in a chill mountain stream
ready to snatch a salmon

the prowling
is familiar to me
I understand
the continuous hunt

but patience
that too often
escapes my grasp
as do many salmon
elude the mighty bear

but still
he stays his task

in my imperfect way
I feel I understand
this relentlessness

we both
ride the great wheel
‘round and ’round we go
the bear and I
uncertain in our quests

yet still he flashes his paw
at the ever-leaping prey
in his relentless hope
to finally snag a salmon

so too have I reached out
time and again
with the relentless hope
to grasp the ultimate answer
verifiable evidence
to finally solve
my lifelong mystery

just who am I
how did I get here
where did I come from
who were my birth parents

none easily answered

in our ongoing endeavors
success is not guaranteed
for the bear
nor I

and yet
we both continue fishing

rob kistner © 2010

More poetry at: dVerse

N.B. Still waiting final verification, but it seems my birth mother is Evelyn Tieke and my birth father is Joseph Perrmann. The name first given me is Lawrence Tieke. After 74 years of wondering, and frequently searching unsuccessfully, my daughter solved the mystery last month. Awaiting certification of my original birth certificate.