Two Winters

O h to frolick in the fallen snow
to feel it cruch beneath my feet
to see the glistening whiteness roll
and feel the crisp chill on my cheek
walking in this winter wonderland

it’s damned hard walking in fresh snow
my feet are soaked and totally numb
snowblindness certainly is no joke
and this Bell’s Palsey really is no fun
this winter wasteland is a frozen hell

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

No Regrets

W ritten many pointed comments — yes
and polarizing poetry — indeed
I am not sorry that I wrote them
they’re intended to inspire

if any raised your hackles
it was you who chose to read
and it proves they were effective
if in-fact they stirred your ire

I will not change my viewpoint
my fired words I’ll not walk back
perhaps it’s you who should look inward
why did my thoughts make you upset

no — I’m not retracting anything
what I said must have been on track
so if you’re seeking an apology
that’s one thing you’ll never get

I know that I can be aggressive
perhaps my demeanor frightens you
if so — for that I’m sorry
but not sorry for what I said

I do not intend you bodily harm
that is not what I mean to do
no sticks n’stones to break no bones
just truth’s flame to fire your head

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse