Tears In Rain

My quirky fascination — Sci-Fi love poetry.

“I don’t want to survive
I want to live” forever
passionately in love with you
but that’s not possible now

that astroid ripped our hull
our ship took critical damage
oxygen is nearly depleted
we are adrift alone in space

exploring space with you
was my holy grail
my peak of Everest
my grandest dream — realized

we’ve watched
golden fire clouds
hanging in pale green skies
over the azure seas of Toluras

we’ve seen the copper leaves
of the Parmus fronds
flashing from indigo mountains
in the crystal mists of Gemin

I have beheld exquisite beauty
in my rich full life
but none so beautiful
as your eyes tonight

let me fall into them
this one last time
and feel deeply our love
remembering all we’ve shared

my heart feels cruel pain
our love and “all those moments
will be lost in time
like tears — in rain”

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


This is the perfect Sci-Fi love song.

MOVIE QUOTE #1 — “12 Years A Slave”
MOVIE QUOTE #2 — “Blade Runner”

*Blade Runner is a Ridley Scott production based on Phillip Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”.