2nd Coming

My quirky fascination — Sci-Fi poetry.

A nd it was seen

the circle of light
came from the far horizon
gliding forward slowly
as if drifting on a cloud
to settle — lowered
‘round the foremost peak

and the people came
and a sound was heard
rising in the twilight
a pulsing resonance

and then a voice
heard ‘round the world
pierced the growing darkness

“I am come
from those who were
before you are”

the strange words
falling from on high
like soft sonic rain

“this was our world
until we found another
more suitable in size
for our growing numbers”

there was a pause
as the circle of light thickened

“we have returned
to see our former home
now a world out of balance
we wish to be of help
to bring this ring of light
to full clarity of radiance
to aid you in seeing your way
to a brighter cleaner future”

as the ring glows more intensely
it begins to spin
as it spins more rapidly
from it emanates a low
almost imperceptible hum
more felt than heard

“we are the D’ohma
this is a D’ohma ring of wisdom
it holds our peoples’ truths
from times well past
unto time eternal”

at that moment a single beautiful tone
resonated from within the circle
sustained then faded

“in its pulsing glow
you will learn balance
which we have understood
and considered to be sacred
for many eons”

the spinning circle is now flexing
giving off a deep purple afterglow

“it will condition you to seek peace
so you can flourish as a people
to embrace ecologically safe production
so you will learn to replenish
at a rate greater than you plunder”

at this time the governing body
of Terra Prime – the planet’s new name
had formally converged
to more closely encircle
the mesmerizing ring

“what if we refuse your direction”
inquired the Primus Terrus
the elected head of the planet’s
current governing body

with coups and assassinations
being ongoing occurrences
the governing body fluctuates

“then you will be destroyed
and this planet terraformed
to become a new healthy world”

the people of the planet
who had gathered to observe the circle
gasped and cried out myriad objections

“people of Terra Prime — hear me
we are the Interstellar Eco Police
your planet has been found guilty
by the Interstellar Eco courts
of reckless endangerment
and potential fatal damaging
of a 1st order planet”

“these rings are many in number
positioned worldwide
they are not only capable
of instructing you in safe
ongoing effective eco practices
and helping you get redirected
they are also capable of reinvigorating
the spoiled soils of Terra Prime
as well as decontaminating your waters
and scrubbing clean your air”

with that the spinning circle
emitted a shrill klaxon-like burst
for a full minute
as did each globally

“however — they are also
each an effective high-output
laser-burst sonic nuclear device
capable of strategically destroying
all uncooperative human entities
that now infect Terra Prime like a virus”

“they will then globally begin
cascading a terraforming sequence
that will extract all pollutants
from this planet’s toxic atmosphere
cleanse till and organically infuse
every inch of soil on this planet
and reclaim the fouled waters”

“we will undertake this process
with or without the current population”

with that there was a silence
that fell heavy on the planet
the voice then began again

“we grant you 72 hours to consider
if you want your planet to be saved
regenerated for your use
or should we eliminate you
and strafe your planet
cleansing it thoroughly
to then completely revitalize it
starting it again new
with a different species?”

“this is not
the first time we’ve come
this is the second coming”

the voice then stopped
allowing that statement
to firmly take hold

“we came initially
prior to the first
of your insane world wars
when your blatant disregard
for this beautiful planet
began to dangerously emerge”

again the voice held in prolonged pause
the people of Terra Prime
remained breathlessly silent
only the sounds of the circle were heard

“you have had many decades
to clean up your mess
upon our first coming
we even stealthily left agents
who for your recent decades
infiltrated your peoples
joining with the many
outspoken voices of reason
both public and private
encouraging you to understand
your ecological responsibilities”

“but your majority refused to hear
or even to acknowledge
your critical need to improve”

just then a metronomic clicking
announced itself loudly
from within the spinning circle

“you have had all this time
now you have 72 hours to decide
the fate of your world”

with that, the circle spun faster
as did each around Terra Prime
and the sky-voice went quiet
stunned silence fell around the planet

it was frighteningly obvious
this was no bluff

D’ohman “voice in the sky”

Capital of D’ohman home planet

rob kistner © 2021

See other responses to this photo: Mindlovemisery

I highly recommend you visit: Earthweal

Poetry at: dVerse


…a little “out of this world” music…