Splendid Unknown

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” from: A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemingway

reflections to date on my 74 year journey

This poet’s lot is cast to wander
in search of life’s splendid unknown
step by step day after day
uncertain fate unfolds this journey
early steps of which
I trod alone

filled with wonder
and awe

fraught with sadness
and tears

it has carried me
‘cross countless boundaries
some surround me
some were within

transported me ‘cross time and space
brought me face to face
from place to place

real faces
real places

life’s shown me mysteries

good & evil

the best
the least

I’ve been ignored
I’ve been betrayed
I’ve been abandoned
and then been saved

known times of little.
times of plenty
times of hunger
times of feast

it’s brought me pleasures
some fame some fortune
to claim them back
with no remorse

I’ve known satisfaction
a crowd’s joyous reaction
a woman’s true love
a beloved child’s passing

life’s been true and faithful
a joy genuine
to then turn away
and break my heart

it’s been fact
and contradiction
and harshly real

l’ve been honored
as a man of standing
then pushed away
to cower in shame
once more alone
to save my name

I’ve traveled light
traveled fast
stumbled burdened
weighed with grief

I’ve lead and followed
lost my way
regained direction
to then lose faith

I keep it light
love real-time humor
my wit’s ironic
my heart’s bionic

I’ve walked hand in hand
with fear and death
stared down depression
to again be consumed

then arose once more
to venture forth
without a clue my destination
with no regard the fated outcome
of my plight — no consideration

been a hero
been a zero
but mostly
jus’ been a faulted man

long ago I tempered ego
having learned it’s of no use

despite whatever seem our difference
at the core we’re all the same

this realm we entered
all alone
and here we’ll leave
alone again

but all of this is of no matter
foolish so to dwell upon
not worth concern nor contemplation
keeping score a vain temptation
the blame — the fairness
the right — the wrong
the worrying a useless pressure

this poet’s learned
the truth of time

despite the pain
beyond the pleasure
it is this journey
that is the treasure
and how one makes it
the truest measure

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Introducing amazing vocalist Samantha (Sam) Brown:

“And I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do, I don’t mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There’s no reason for it, you’ve gotta go sometime. If you can hear the whispering — you are dying.” …Pink Floyd
