This City

This city is in my blood
this city
that vibrates
with the rush and chaos
of synapse and sinew

this city
that vibrates
with the hum of networked urgency
data outdistancing comprehension
often the we can
beyond the reach
of should we

this city
with college’d clones
like-patterned minds
that surge with ambition
that submit to the agendas
good or bad
dreaming of early retirement
fearing an early death

this city
bedecked in stainless
and stone

this city
ablaze in halogen
aglow in neon
awash in tears
of the poor

this city
its haughty monoliths
of varying shape
differing size
flanked in concrete corridors
that criss and cross
blink and beep
that ring buzz belch hiss
— and stink

this city
that intimidates
in cold and calculated majesty

this city that amazes
this city that abuses

this city is in my blood

but it does not
hold my soul

it does not offer solace
to my human core

that seeks the folded petal’s mystery
that marvels at the smallness
of a changing frond

at the tart-sweet scent’d
gnarled bark
of mighty conifer monoliths
thrusting ever skyward

or the magic
of a budding branch

this city
does not touch my spirit
soothed by wind and water
thrilled by song of birds
or the swoop of hawks

this city
does not spark my wonder
stirred by the yelp
or bark
or bleat
of beasts

this city
cannot reach my soul
that needs to see a salmon’s trek
the open sky
the roll of unobstructed clouds
see the fall of stars

this city
has nothing for my soul
that needs to hear the crack of thunder
resound for miles across the plane
then off the mountain’s face

that needs the fresh embrace of rain
the crisp and quiet drift of snow
the hues and sway of living fields

this city
leaves my spirit cold
that needs to watch the orchard
blossom and bloom to fruit
see forests
thick beyond horizons
or feel the lift of cresting surf

this city
does not satisfy my need
to know the evolving natural wonders
that inspire
that swell my soul
that resonate my heart

this city is in my blood
but it does not hold my soul

and so I look beyond
for my tomorrow


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers