Oh Dog

Guido Vedovato — “Self-Portrait With Accordion”


What have I done dog
fool am I
what have I done
I have let our love song die

when the fire of love
flickers dims and dies
and a shadow falls
deep in darkened eyes
hollow words of love
become but empty lies

and dog, like a fool, I have lied
I watch as our love song died

that open door
of her tender heart
has swung quietly closed
round the fragile part

she has locked me out dog
turned her back

what once was sweet and effortless
can never again feel right
and the fall began so near unseen
as though but the passing of night

my heart is broken dog
my worthless heart

I remember this morning
no dawn broke
not tenderness nor warmth awoke
a loneliness encircled slow
I sought the one that I love so
but no — dog no
she has turned away
she is fed up dog
no longer does she hear my love song

at night she’s still
within arm’s reach
but I sense the void
I feel the breach

these nights
she still shares my bed
I roll and turn
then lift my head
I search her face
in the predawn glow
whose eyes those are
I no longer know

she sees me blankly dog
her stare is hollow

I feel such tears
I need to fight dog
can’t run away
I gotta stay

love’s slowly dying
night after night
I know we will never again
be right

like a piercing painful clarity
I feel it dog
I know
I know

last night she slept so quietly
but I fear her heart left long ago

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
