

Yo — I’m d’cat
lost m’damned hat
I’m snocker’d n’sleepy
n’ I’m worn flat

juked myself bleary
jived myself crazy
I’m wasted n’weary
n’way beyond hazy

just gonna sit here
restin’ m’head
when the room has stopped spinin’
it’s home — and t’bed

I’m pissed n’frustrated
don’t bother me — pleeez
lost m’damned hat
now can’t find m’keys

m’head aches so shu’dup
I mean it — not a peep
really not in d’mood
crap – I’m fallin’ asleep

can’t keep m’eyes open
ain’t drinkin’ n’more
lost m’hat and m’keys
now can’t find d’damned door

m’takin’ a cat nap
m’so totally done for
g’night — gonna curl up
right here on d’dance floor

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Creative writing at: Poets & Storytellers