Gone Dark

Photo by: Jonny Joo

My theatre’s now just empty red seats
the street out front — an empty avenue
no one comes view these cinematic feats
nor the celluloid fantasies I knew
the projector’s a beaut, still shine’n bright
casting cine-magic on the big screen
but the joint’s abandoned night after night
my theater’s now COVID’s haunted scene
sadly a victim of something obscene

we try to grasp why this horrible plague
how could we humans unleash such a scourge
when ask where it came from answers seem vague
as earth chants a bitter funeral dirge
arrogance serves to block true solution
as impatience helps continue the spread
is this the time we pay retribution
is this the end time as many have said
we must reflect as we bury our dead

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Do check out: mindlovemisery’s menageries