
“ “All that spirits desire, spirits attain.”
— Khalil Gibran


Beauty in this world is fleeting
but as long as my warm heart is beating
it’s for love’s bliss I am entreating

you have set my longing heart afire
you burn in my midnight desire
sweet erotic dreams you inspire
my lustful soul is overheating

if I could wrap my arms around you
such intoxicating things we’d do
dreams of passion would be made true
my frail restraint is fast depleting

a temptress in a velvet glove
your touch I’d never tire of
a smoldering heat of forbidden love
these carnal visions keep repeating

I crave your lips I want you now
we must join together now somehow
I’ll taste your wild love — this I vow
from this wanton quest there’s no retreating

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse



Our Clearing



Well I remember
the times we walked
our favorite old growth
canopied high above

most especially
I will never forget
that perfect june morning
we trekked deep
into that ancient wood
to our favorite spot
— our secret clearing

the morning sun
filtered softly
through the canopy
drifting down golden
into our sacred space
setting your handsome face
aglow with an angel’s radiance

a breeze rustled the treetops
whispering of eternity
casting a magic spell

awed by the splendor
we talked long and quietly
leaning on the downed Douglas
that slumbers there in repose
perhaps for centuries
peaceful in its earthen bed

you were eighteen
off to college soon
so very excited
as certainly was I
I was so in awe of you
my brilliant beautiful son

in that instant
time suspended
life aligned
for a perfect moment
for a perfect memory
my very last of you

three weeks later
you were tragically killed

this precious memory
lingers here at peace
under this forest canopy
in our clearing
where my heart still journeys
to talk with you.

you left in your summer years
I will leave in my winter
our clearing awaits patiently
quiet – save the echoed laughter
of a father and son
in love with the forest
in love with life
in love with each other


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry Inspired by Ecological Change: Earthweal