My Move

“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.” – Charles Buxton

David Maverick © 2007


Strategy must play out slowly
protection is tantamount
but so is lethal aggression

the squarely stark contrasts
of extreme dark and light
laid out before me
stir my essence
fire my soul
rally my spirit
ignite my wonder
whet my imagination
engage my player’s drive

with the need to be right

wholly wrapt – I ponder
I scheme
I calculate

I can feel sweat
on the verge

but I must not

to show vulnerability
to hint at fear
is deadly

I must stay cool

this situation
is at once familiar
yet it feels
exotically foreign


caught in the grip
of debilitating angst
I also feel the stir
of indignation

does he think me a fool
that I would fall for his ploy
be drawn into his trap
his feeble transparent gambit

I will not

but I feel a longing
as I search for discovery
praying I have not
exposed my hand

anxiety gnaws at my resolve
the sensation
of a hollow
empty place
deep within
echoing with uncertainty

but I embrace the moment

I believe I see his truth
his diabolical vision

it is offering me
just enough answer
that I combust
with questions

but I feel they are
the right questions
to unlock my truth
to guide my path

while I’m held
suspended in inquiry
by this beautiful mystery
suddenly — I feel elevated
by insight
impaled by vision

yes – yes
I see it
I see it clearly
my perfect move

I must make it boldly
but carefully
because everything rides on this

why am I so intense
you wonder

is this a matter
of life and death
you ask

oh no
my friend
oh no

it is far more serious than that

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: poets & stortellerd

Poetry Inspired by Ecological Change: Earthweal