Old Man’s Prayer

~ on this, my 75th birthday, I offer this poem ~


Successful as a younger man
the grind became my home
and I
a conduit of worry
could I keep the crazy pace

years spun wild as a top
around faster
ever faster
life layering its patina
etched deeply in my face

suddenly no longer young
now looking back from 75
ever grateful to be alive

I’ve known triumph
I’ve known tragedy
they’ve marked me deeply
but not the same

I’ve begged
and stole
strayed through several shades of grey
I have leveraged my eternal soul
just to play this fleeting game

I pray
I will not end an old man
gazing lonely out my window
trying hard
just to remember
exactly how long it has rained

not sitting silent
by the fire
lost in somber contemplation
wondering if all I lost
was worth the cost
of what it was I gained

if I am not he
who am I

I am my memories
that huddle ’round me
soft and gentle

some dim
some vivid
through all my days
and all my nights


from quite near
and far into the past
drift forward
mingled rich
through the years

their embrace
is soothing
warm as the sun

memories of others
I’ve been blessed to love
a tender tear
for every one

the places
I have been
the wonders
these hazel eyes have seen

the joys
that painted me
so brightly

the sorrows
that taught me
the depth of life

in these memories
there is a sweetness

it holds my heart
by the touch of regret
that at times
bowed this silvered head

my heart is full
my spirit calm
a peaceful surrender
to fate’s embrace
in this moment
no tears to shed

I embrace instead
that precious
unfurled strand
from there to here
from then to now

would that these memories
never end
would that they all
begin again

but soon
the flames of recall
will falter
as the lingering embers die
no longer need for worry
no more reason to wonder why

it’s then
I’m prayer

when I am called
among the memories
when time
reaches out for me
would that I be
delivered off in peace
carried away in sleep

would that I keep
all it is
I am

I am my memories

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse