Frozen Kinda Hell

For those who have love/hate relationship with winter!


S weet winter holds my favorite annual day
when cheerful santa flys his big red sleigh
love frolicking in the bright fresh-fallen snow
to feel it crunching beneath my booted feet
see the glistening whiteness of the world’s glow
and feel the crisp chill’s bite upon my cheek
so wonderful — walking in this winter wonderland

putting up, and then taking down the tree
the freezing climb to light the house — misery
it’s really hard, trudging in new-fallen snow
my poor feet are soaked and soar, totally numb
snow-blindness on the roof certainly is no joke
and this damned Bell’s Palsey really is no fun
this wasteland’s a frozen kinda hell – so just go

it feels this miserable season goes on and on
fell off that frozen ladder again in early dawn
I wandered lonely as a cloud from concussion
winter… wicked winter— just be gone!

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at:dVerse

**NOTE: this is a work of fiction. I have no concussion.