Silent Screams

“Running Time” by Victor Bezrukov


After the brutal way you departed
after the forgotten goodbye’s never said
after horror’s realization would not go away

after there was nothing left to enjoy
after the laughter fell silent and mute
after the sadness collected day upon day

after the spaces fell hauntingly empty
after the familiar grew distant and dead
after our time together faded far to the past

after the bitter taste of grief stung my lips
after the loneliness mounted unbearingly
after your memory spilled through my fingers too fast

I did not think you could go deaf in the quiet
I did not think sorrow would burrow in so far
didn’t think the screams in my head would turn to riot
nor did I know how deeply this silence would scar

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: earthweal


Death’s Climax

~ a sensual reimagining of a Romeo & Juliet ~


Will you again
be my sweet Juliet
my love for you
still burns hot
drives me utterly mad

you are bewitching
you are by far
the truest love
I’ve ever had

a radiant vision
silken skinned
a translucent
alabaster blaze
as a teen’s temptation
your body beckons
with invitation

standing here
before me
my needs are fired
I’m burning

you must be mine
you will
my nubile vixen
my dream sublime

oh yes
you are my Juliet
your graceful face
brazen aglow

my fingers tangled
in your hair
I bring your lips to mine
sure — but slow

swept away
I lay you back
on velvet sheets
wrapped in my arms

my eyes aflame
in fetched seduction
I explore
your secret charms

I will be your Romeo
if you let me
I’ll be your last
please — my love — agree

I am always
your potent Spring
here smoldering
on passion’s pyre

lost in the golden light
that folds upon you
soft as satin
silk desire

my fingers trace
your young glistening back
that tempting tapers
to the tender fire

a wonderland
for fingertips
to touch
and tease
and tantalize

such beauty
of unworldly measure
only gods
could fantasize

I explore
your quivering body

you’re beautiful
as any Juliet
so luscious
heavenly grand

a divinely-pleasing
sculpted vessel
brought forth
by Aphrodite’s hand

a vision
as to hypnotize
enticing in the candle’s flicker
fondled by my hungry eyes

with willful hands
of pleasured probing
I wrap slender waist
then slowly slide
‘cross pleading hips
of sensuous rise
to fall
into the fiery folds of eros
from the charms of Venus

’tween dual swells
of timeless myth
that writhe
in throes of pure desire
atop two lithe
and lathen’d stems
drawn by pleasure’s angels
tempered in their sacred fire

come my Juliet
be forever mine
I am your Romeo
until end of time

we knew they’d come for us
never let our sweet love be
not two so different
real love is never free

before we let
Azrael take us
let us die
to pleasured lust
‘til our hungry souls
are sated
’til my passion’s seed
has turned to dust

let our wanton
carnal flames
blaze ever bright
to roar ecstatic
not be rebuffed

in flames of eros
we’ll burn down this night

before they are
forever snuffed

Angel Azreal
rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Sounds of Joy

Pacific Northwest House Finch


H ere in the Pacific Northwest, there is a rosy-red colored, rich cacophony of glorious song birds: the House Finch, Purple Finch, Red-breasted Sapsucker, and the Red Crossbill, along with songsters of other feathers, like the Western Tanager, that fill the mountain fresh breezes with their trills, tweets, twitters, chirps, and cheeps — the sweet sounds of spring! It perks the ears to bring a smile, and stirs happiness of the heart — lifting one’s spirit out of the doldrums of winter.

The sweet refrains ignite a crisp aliveness, so that all, no matter the age, health, or circumstance, feel the spark of gratitude for simply being alive. The belief that, in spite of it all, possibility still abounds, and life may truly be better. Poets and minstrels, down through the ages, into our present time, have equated and do equate, these lilting arias to the sound of joy — melodies played on the heart strings. Everywhere we go, their beauty spills into our day, brightening our sense of self, and bringing lightness to the world.

the songs of birds swell
note by note they spark with joy
igniting spring’s breeze

Western Tanager

Sapsucker, Purple Finch, Crossbill

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse

Play On

To the brave people of Ukraine — may your song play on forever!

Photography by Joseph Eid


A real pity it is to say…
but a person can lose their home
a person can lose their fine clothes
a person can lose their fancy trappings
a person can grow old, losing their vitality

and all that must be met
with courage
with kindness
a gentle greeting
and proper aid

even a brave person — to lose their *music
such a person would lose their joy — their mind
it would be the dark death of their verve their soul
and that would prove to be the true tragedy of their life

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


R.I.P. John Prine 1946-2020 — you are missed

A voice in Ukraine sings out – may it be just one in a chorus of courageous resistance!

* Music means many things — faith, belief, courage, optimism, joy, sanity, strength, humility, memory, wonder, creativity, sorrow, forgiveness, celebration, soul, patience, hope, love — this, and much much more, is all one’s “music”! All the things above and beyond the material. Music of the spheres.

The Chase

Riddle dee diddle dee dee, I got a riddle for thee.
Riddle dee diddle dee doo, if ya know the answer, tell me true!



You are always there
I know for sure you are
some times quite near
only to again be far

I chase you through the fields
pursue you up the hill
I never seem to catch you
and know I never will

I have followed you every day
morning noon and night
but you rush on steadily
just beyond my sight

you are also always coming
but you can never quite get here
just when I think I see you
the picture’s again unclear

I must certainly admit
you’ve kept quite the pace
you’re not here or there
you are everyplace

though that day can never come
when we’re finally face to face
fact is — you’ve kept me busy
hope you prove worth the chase

I wonder — will you be good
or instead will you be bad
or will I simply find out
that I have just been had

if where I think you’re heading
simply proves to be untrue
that all along you’ve played me
then I am bloody mad — fuck you!

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


*ANSWER: it’s the “future”. You can’t catch it. Even if you think you did, you’d find what you are holding is the present, the future has already got ahead of you. If you should happen to catch and stop the future, guess what — what you got is your death, then you definitely got no future. Truth is, the future is never quite what you thought it to be.

Spring Night Breeze



Briskly clean
silky cool
it spills in
the open window

slips satin soft
sly and sensuous
sheer and silent
as the moon

it wafts and tumbles
it tantalizes
swaddles you
in sweet refresh

dances gently
up your arms
across your chest
to brush your cheek

encircles itself
soft upon you
in satisfying
fond embrace

whispered rushes
fluttered breaths
night breezes
caress your skin

a lilting tender
breath of comfort
zephyred fingers
toss your hair

as quiet strains
of procol harum
serenade you
off to dreamland

drifting you deep
into spring night slumber
painting your dreams
a whiter shade of pale

Whiter Shade of Pale rose

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Chalk Lineage



Smell of gloveleather
oiled in neatsfoot

smooth ash bat handle
heft on my shoulder

scrape of metal spikes
on concrete sidewalk

crisp chalklines
on soft tan dirt

seamed cowhide sphere
cupped in my hand

ballcap tugged snug
steppin’ on the diamond
remembering you dad

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Dad managed my high school hardball team. I managed both my sons after he passed. This coming summer, my surviving son will again manage my grandson, this time in his first year in Little League — and so it goes.

Free To Fly

~ To the people of Ukraine — may your courage and dreams endure! ~


Oh but to live
high in the trees
just you and me

way way up
among the towering branches
in the forest canopy

where we can see
far as our eyes can see
and the feeling is free

a magic like flying

a place high up
in the sun-dappled trees
where we’d live
and make love
you and me
in the warm light
of peace

windows wide open
hearts wide open
minds wide open
future —
wide open

livin’ life slow
in the sun
and the breeze
embracing our dreams
replacing our worries
with belief in tomorrow
free to come and to go

livin’ life free
high among the trees
truly to be

free to fly



rob kistner © 2022

~ both artworks by Vika Muse of Ukraine ~

Poetry at: dVerse


Loneliest Woe

Inspired by Sanaa’s “Christina Georgina Rossetti” prompt from 4/11/22.



My life’s focus — only my own
not giving thought that I might share
now foolish me I am alone
the path back home has overgrown
oh how I long to be back there

you were unselfish with your heart
now I see certain I was blind
I tore our tender love apart
ungrateful fool — I did depart
dreaming there’s better I could find

please my love — please now hear my plea
desperately I call to you
my empty life has turned on me
its seduction was trickery
in my life — you — were what was true

talk what you please of future spring
and sun-warm’d sweet to-morrow

when shunned love won’t heed your calling
and you’re fickle heart is rightly breaking
it is the loneliest of woe

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse



~ is anybody listening ~



testing testing

testing 1 2 3…

can anybody hear me…

is anybody out there…

I can’t see clearly
damn these fogged lenses!


do we have connection?
is anybody even listening?

hello-oh-oh-oh… Ooo… Oooo…

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


If Only

“The power of imagination” by: joiedevivre89

Oh —
if I could but glide
like a bird in flight
I would soar skyward
in sweeping circles

lifted high
on mighty thermals

not earthbound

not prisoner
to this rock and clay

not a captive
of gravity
of memory
of heartache

this day
my spirit
would be light as air




rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Morning Magic



The moon sets
in pre-dawn’s soft glow
as comes the fire
of day’s first light
carried confidently
by the lantern bearer
to lead us out of night
to chase ashened dreams
and welcome morning

morning’s a feeling
a wonderful healing

the sunlight revealing
all darkness was stealing
from our sight

from our heart
in this night

as we rise
we fix our eyes
on the dawning
miracles are possible

our hearts spawn a melody
to carry us through
until twilight
bids the day adieu

but as sunlight’s chorus swells
morning spreads its magic

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Empty Dawn


When the fire of love
flickers dims and dies
and a shadow falls
deep in darkened eyes
hollow words of love
become but empty lies

that open door
of a tender heart
has swung quietly closed
round the fragile part

what once so sweet and effortless
can never again feel right
and the fall begins so near unseen
as though but the passing of night

until one morning no dawn breaks
no tenderness nor warmth awakes
and a loneliness encircles slow
you seek the one that you’ve loved so

she’s here arms reach
she shares your bed
you roll and turn
then lift your head
you search her face
in the predawn glow
whose eyes these are
you no longer know

you feel no tears
you feel no fight
a knowing rises from this night
sadly it will never again be right

it’s in this painful clarity
you realize

you know

though she’s still here in your bed
her heart
left long ago

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse



~ my little buddy Blackee ~

Oh it’s fine that logic’s got beyond me
I might turn off my mind completely
sanity’s so very overrated
I don’t think it means much — you see

so who’s to say that I can’t fly
and whose right is it to question why
I wear my trousers inside out
it helps keep the pockets dry

I see you smirking at my hat
it’s aluminum foil — imagine that
it helps with my cell phone reception
and fascinates my trusty cat

although I think my sweet cat Blackee
wonders if perhaps at times I’m whacky
he looks at me bemused and startled
on days I dye my long hair khaki

yes I do lose track of time
days and weeks — is that a crime
you know — it’s all just one’s perspective
you’ve got yours — I’ve got mine

and I’ve a language of my own
like no other that you’ve known
my cat Blackee understands me
it’s all we speak when we’re alone

Blackee sings backup in a band
he tells me they are really grand
they sing all night in another language
so I don’t really understand

some girl made a song about him
I personally think it’s kinda grim
makes Blackee sound like he’s bad
he says it’s just this girl’s whim

now if you see me on the street
ignore the cowbells on my feet
it helps keep gawkers out my way
I’m not nuts — I’m just offbeat

but my little Blackee loves me
he tells me so — every day
and he believes that I can fly
he thinks the day’s close I finally try

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: Day 7 NaMoWriMo


Love’s Dreams

~ In the face of the horrors of our times, I chose, rather I need to focus on love for this entire week — then I will wade back into the sewer we call the world these days… but as Scarlett put it, “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.” for me — next week! ~


We place our dreams in our open palms
so the winds of fortune
will make them soar

we enrich our dreams with the gift of song
so their harmony’s sweet
and their sound is pure

we bestow our dreams the wings of trust
so they lift and carry
to wisdom’s shore

we share our dreams today — and always
so our love will bind them

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse