Spectral Emotions

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Spectral Emotions” by: rob kistner © 7/15/24

He awakens in darkness, warm beneath the blankets. Fumbling for the lamp, he struggles upright. Sliding into slippers, he rises, ever so stiffly. Every day unfurls as it must, he muses.

Pulling on his robe he ambles to the kitchen, takes a cup from the shelf, pours chamomile tea. He retreats to his office, to his chair, welcomingly lit against the chill predawn darkness.

He sits, sips steeped motivation, quietly peeling away the fog of another fitful night. Grateful for the peace of early morning, he begins to un-blend his thoughts into a color palette of mood.

Melancholy greys, fear’s ebony, purples of anger, sorrowful blues, peaceful greens, laughter’s ambers, golden joy, love’s ruby red — but the colors spill, puddling in chaos. He reaches for his laptop, his canvass of clarity. In the spreading saffrons and corals of dawn, he begins sorting spectral emotions.

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse