Strange Attractors

“Strange are the ways of the heart”

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Strange Attractors” by: rob kistner © 9/20/24


This is the plot the studio intends
an evil villain who’s a killer clown
striking fear and mayhem all over town
I wonder how this horror movie ends

no way that clown and beauty queen are friends
not as hot as she looks in that evening gown
maybe he’ll push her in that lake let her drown
perhaps this is the plot the studio intends

bet he’s gonna kill her in front of her friends
perhaps he will beat her with her pageant crown
or stab her with her scepter when she turns ‘round
I so wanna know how this horror movie ends

ohhellno — RomCom’s not the plot the studio intends
all this lovey doven’s bringing me down
this can’t be how this movie ends — oh horrors!

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse