Original DDE™ surreal art: “Time’s Wheel of Uncertainty” by: rob kistner © 12/10/24
The great wheel of time
rises up through fog of history
midst missed-moments meadow
silhouetted by grey of mystery
this great wheel of time
turns ever slow and steadily
its fluid mass unstoppable
it revolves onward mightily
outlives the mortal mountain
bears the burden of potentially
sees ages and civilizations
borne and razed eventually
our frail lifetimes ride this wheel
how far — is not for us to see
with faith and fate, ’round we go
orbiting bold toward our destiny
as ever fragile temporal beings
of a most truly amazing bravery
we choose to dream of a tomorrow
for which there is no guarantee
though circling toward this future
of veiled and vague contingency
still, on we whirl — and dare to love
despite this vast uncertainty
enjoying the amazing mind-blowing ride
the sensations the emotions the mystery
rob kistner © 12/10-12/24
Poetry at: dVerse
Poetry at: dVerse OLN