Silky Owlet / Photographed in Papua New Guinea / Michael Sammut
Even in chaos nature finds balance
violent floods beget fertile fields
one thing ends — another begins
when life insists death yields
life is a cycle of birth and death
untamed wildfire creates forest ash
the ashen remains nurture growth again
forged in the fires of living
born is the miracle of expanding life
one thing ends — another begins
nothing beautiful comes without struggle
hammered from the pain of learning
emerges the power of wisdom
it is there in the teaching hand
evolution is not a revolution
it is the byproduct of time
one thing ends — another begins
nature ever seeks the best design
in between the was and will be
is the chaos realm of rearrange
the molten crucible of change
one thing ends — another begins
in the caterpillar lives the butterfly
one thing ends — another begins
now and forever the Mandala spins
Original DDE™ surreal art: “Great Mandala — Still / Moving”
by: rob kistner © 1/8/25
rob kistner © 1/9/25
Poetry at: dVerse
Poetry at: dVerse