Robertson ~ McClure ~ Dylan ~ Ginsberg
Though we’re different
a common cord binds us strong
we are word crafters — poets
it’s our genuine self
this is the bedrock of our souls
* * *
Gary Snyder ~ Allen Ginsberg
Gary and Allen
never broke the cord’s sweet bond
shared the glow of city lights
though Gary loved rip rap
zen took his journey to japan
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
What a lovely ode to our bond as poets. Cheers to us we are word crafters — poets!!!
That cord, that bond, reaches through time Grace.
It certainly does Rob. I feel connected right here at D’Verse. Wonderful thought!
Universal love of words Christine… 🙂
Superb flow of words to this ode, so well done…
Ain, I genuinely appreciate your kind words — thank you!
Awww, Rob. How lovely! ???? I love that connection through poetry.
Thank you Merril!
Poetry and poets – with poets who did not mince words. Excellent!
Thank you Ken… 🙂
Thank you Gillena, much love to you my friend!
Your dual wayra are far out, and yes, I do feel connected to the Beat Poets. I think I told you for a time I was dubbed “Tacoma’s last Beat Poet”. You rocked the prompt, and fueled our poetic pride; so cool.
Thank you brother. I have always liked the beat voice of poetry — great honesty, great variety, very little pretense and bullshit. I lived a great life near the edge for nearly 30 years, so I always felt a connect with the beats. I would have loved to have hung out at Ferlinghetti’s City Lights bookstore — what a vibe that must have been!
Beat poetry, stream of consciousness poetry .. I love the feeling of simply “running away” with my thoughts. Well done Rob, Well done.
Thank you Helen!
So much connected crafter of words together…
I personally feel a strong historical and emotional cord tethering me to beat and jazz generation of the 50’s/60’s, as well as the rock philosophers of the ‘60’s & early 70’s — and some beyond. I was a alienated child, born abandoned into an orphanage. Grew up from a very young age, a member of a number of rock bands, as leader singer and lyricist, writing honestly as possible, about my hurt, anger and disillusionment. Now I have evolved to nearly 75, writing less lyrics, more poetic frustration, blended with sanity preserving escapism. I feel strong the manifest tug of the connecting ”cord” Bjorn.
This is absolutely delightful! Yes, though external factors divide us .. we are connected by the same cord 🙂
Absolutely Sanaa! 🙂