Death’s Climax

~ a sensual reimagining of a Romeo & Juliet ~


Will you again
be my sweet Juliet
my love for you
still burns hot
drives me utterly mad

you are bewitching
you are by far
the truest love
I’ve ever had

a radiant vision
silken skinned
a translucent
alabaster blaze
as a teen’s temptation
your body beckons
with invitation

standing here
before me
my needs are fired
I’m burning

you must be mine
you will
my nubile vixen
my dream sublime

oh yes
you are my Juliet
your graceful face
brazen aglow

my fingers tangled
in your hair
I bring your lips to mine
sure — but slow

swept away
I lay you back
on velvet sheets
wrapped in my arms

my eyes aflame
in fetched seduction
I explore
your secret charms

I will be your Romeo
if you let me
I’ll be your last
please — my love — agree

I am always
your potent Spring
here smoldering
on passion’s pyre

lost in the golden light
that folds upon you
soft as satin
silk desire

my fingers trace
your young glistening back
that tempting tapers
to the tender fire

a wonderland
for fingertips
to touch
and tease
and tantalize

such beauty
of unworldly measure
only gods
could fantasize

I explore
your quivering body

you’re beautiful
as any Juliet
so luscious
heavenly grand

a divinely-pleasing
sculpted vessel
brought forth
by Aphrodite’s hand

a vision
as to hypnotize
enticing in the candle’s flicker
fondled by my hungry eyes

with willful hands
of pleasured probing
I wrap slender waist
then slowly slide
‘cross pleading hips
of sensuous rise
to fall
into the fiery folds of eros
from the charms of Venus

’tween dual swells
of timeless myth
that writhe
in throes of pure desire
atop two lithe
and lathen’d stems
drawn by pleasure’s angels
tempered in their sacred fire

come my Juliet
be forever mine
I am your Romeo
until end of time

we knew they’d come for us
never let our sweet love be
not two so different
real love is never free

before we let
Azrael take us
let us die
to pleasured lust
‘til our hungry souls
are sated
’til my passion’s seed
has turned to dust

let our wanton
carnal flames
blaze ever bright
to roar ecstatic
not be rebuffed

in flames of eros
we’ll burn down this night

before they are
forever snuffed

Angel Azreal
rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


28 thoughts on “Death’s Climax”

    1. Thank you Ingrid. I love erotica that rejects smut. It is the truest expression of a love of passion. Not good to utilize in expressing love for parents, et al… 😉

    1. Thank you Merril! 🙂 I still like to cry at RomCom’s makes me feel something — like I’m alive, even though I have entered final stage, the Palliative stage of CHF. I find myself being more emotional now, and I love it!

  1. This gas so many shades, the classical, the sensual, the forbidden, the sacrificial…and the question…does passion rule all?

    1. So pleased you found all of those Ain. Reconciliation was also part of my thought, as was the mystery — which both could easily fall under the classical umbrella. Thank you for truly reading it my friend! Does passion rule all. Given the breadth of passion, love, joy, sorrow, hate, anger, lust, greed, fear, etc. — we are emotional creatures, so I believe our first inclination can be, or is to be driven by one of our passions. However, to be civilized is to have the strength and courage to temper our first inclinations, with thought, logic, and compassion — some of us are enlightened enough to consider controlling our emotions, or at least reign them back in. Those are my thoughts my friend. Looking into the glass — it’s cloudy… 🙂

    1. Thank you Ron. For me, my friend, I believe our imagination is or most “erogenous zone”, so I believe some must always be left to the imagination to fill in as per our personal tastes. Whether we are reading or actually making love. It is the mystery and anticipation that is the magnifier.

    1. It is the mind/body passion of the strong and healthy Georgina. I am drawn to it because it’s the most intimate of all human interaction, and my memories of it are vivid. But my health of receng years limits this to a memory, but one I really enjoy flexing.

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