Facing Truth


At the sorrowing hour
in deepest night

alone with my thoughts
my terrors
my dreams

sculpting words into wedges
that pry open my psyche
expose raw emotion
bare my soul

here I might glimpse
static free
who really I am

here is my truth

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


36 thoughts on “Facing Truth”

  1. I always find the night to be so very filled with anything but static… so many nightmares come knocking.

    1. It’s the dark of night, when you are sitting alone, doing mental inventory about who you are, what are your “dreams” for the future, what is your life amounting to, when you have quieted your mind, dropped your emotional fences and camouflage, when you are so raw that you can no longer bullshit yourself — that is where your real truth hides out, that is where you come face go face with it.

  2. To face who one is “ecstatically” and emphatically a truthful moment. Love the photo.

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