Z apfino’s heart is broken
helvetica is why
helv turned zap down
made poor zap cry
zap liked helv a lot
took a shot
tested fate
asked for a date
helv declined
“no way
you’re too much flashy hype
sorry zap
you’re not my type”
rob kistner © 2022
More prosery at: dVerse
~ videos have nothing to do with this poem — just thought they were fascinating ~
Oh my gosh! I love this too much!
LOVE the play here:
“helv a lot” 🙂
Thanks De — just havin’ some fun… 😉
A great write Rob! Funny and bright.
Thank you Carol.
Not only do I love the adorable poem, but I also like the neon and purple splashes you’ve added to visually accent the piece.
Thank you Shawna! Can’t take credit for the neon accents on this one, I found that image on a “free use” site.
That was a helv-a- good poem…
Thank you True… 🙂
Rob, it does read like you were having fun with this. Nicely done!
Thank you Pat… 🙂
A clever poem about fonts and their romances. I liked this a lot.
Thanks Nitin — just some light airy fun… 🙂
Im smiling. Nice one!!!
much love…
Glad you liked this gillena — much love 🙂
Lol! 😀
Yep. Laughing. Thanks, Bro.
🙂 you’re welcome Ron…!
I never liked Helvetica either, thanks for joining in.
Oh yes, I like Large type. I’ve blogged about that type typewriter.
Helvetica can be a snooty minimalist… 🙂
Let’s hear it for fun, for chuckles and guffaws, for smiles and shining eyes. At least Zap went for it, gulped down his fear and stood up to the rejection. IVIG has kept me on my feet for decades. I actually look forward to it. Like McCain said of being a POW, “You learn to love the rope.”
Glad I could bring a bit’a fun Glenn. Yes we do my friend. For me it’s needles in the belly 5-6 times a day — but it eventually just becomes the rituals of living, of staying alive. I guess the “rope” is just something we can hold on to brother, and we all need to hold on — until we don’t.
Perfect for the prompt word and the quadrille. Good going, my friend!
Thank you Lisa… 😉
Ha….superbly done…I didn’t catch on straight away, then the curtain parted…a semiotic poem…very clever..
Just a bit of lightheartedness Ain 🙂 , midst times that are not… hope you remain well and safe my friend.
And… the silly Rob comes out to play!!
I love this whimsical piece, Rob <3
How fun!
He is always in there David — though sometimes stuck in some damned depression. Thank you my friend… 🙂
Havin’ fun’s what it’s all about!!
Life is too short not to… 😉