
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind, and find my soul.” – John Muir


My footfalls
drum the root chambers
of the old growth

each step
by centuries of needle-drop
in this ancient forest

I’m enjoying the rise and fall
twist and turn of the trail

my walking stick is smooth
clutched comfortably
in my right hand

tensions dissipate
by the enchanting rustle
of a gentle zephyr
in the treetops
of these old growth

Ponderosa Pine

it carries on it
that enticing fragrance
of this bewitching conifer

a hint of butterscotch
maybe cinnamon
or is it vanilla
perhaps even coconut

I’m drawn to this stand
these amazing giants

they’re visually breathtaking
and they remind me
of grandma’s baking

the aroma
and the stir of the breeze
wafting down the western slopes
of these Cascade Mountains
invigorates me
to wander further

the steady rhythm of my footsteps
is the pulse of my soul

rounding a bend in the trail
brushing through waist-high fern
passing into another section
of this captivating forest
I crest a knoll
and stop


filtered by the towering woodland canopy
sunlight drifts down softly

it settles golden
into the peaceful clearing
that beckons me

a presence is tangible
it is familiar

I’ve encountered it
in this forest
times before

it is the spirit
of these ancients

in this moment
the breeze enfolds me
filled with new intoxicating scents
of living earth

an addictive bouquet
of Cascade Red Cedar
Douglas Fir
gentle sweet pungence
and ionized mountain air

perching atop a log
a downed Douglas
I swoon
taking it all in

my spirit rises
my being grows weightless
any sense of self
floats away
lifted into oneness




rob kistner © 2022

Even more fragrant poetry at: dVerse


16 thoughts on “Intoxicated”

  1. Rob, I think you are transported to that place as you write about it, and you give the gift of transporting others who read. *Thank*You* my friend for the gift. One of my favorite lines:
    “the steady rhythm of my footsteps
    is the pulse of my soul”

    1. Thank you Lisa. I loved my sojourns into the wilderness, especially the old growth stand by Lost Lake, up outta Zig Zag. This bit of paradise has been the subject of a number of my pieces. Breaks my heart that I can’t physically do the trek anymore. 🙁

  2. I can’t even begin to describe just how stunning a poem this is, Rob! Woww! I especially love; “I crest a knoll and stop/mesmerized/filtered by the towering woodland canopy.” 🙂

  3. Wow, Rob! You have answered the prompt so beautifully! I love that you compare the scents of the forest to grandma’s baking. What an amazing and evocative pairing! I hope this is real because that forest sounds truly awe inspiring and gorgeous.

    1. It is absolutely real Abig… It’s a beautiful forested stand of old growth by Lost Lake, up out of Zig Zag Oregon, on Mt. Hood, in the Oregon Cascade Mountains. I used hike there in my younger healthier days. And those fragrances that reminded of baking aromas, are the actual scents of the giant’s Ponderosa Pines.

    1. Thank you Ain, so much. 🙂 I am no longer able to go into the wilderness, my health is failing to the point that it makes it impossible. I write these pieces I love from memory of these places that I hiked to for years — but it breaks my heart that I can no more. My Congestive Heart Failure has advanced well into Stage C. Almost met the end in March and April, when my heart efficiency (Ejection Fraction) dropped to approx 20% because of increased heart damage, and severe water retention. A prescribed brutal Torsemide flush, plus another angioplasty heart procedure, and implantation of my 6th and 7th heart stent to help my Pacemaker — all of that brought me back up to near 40% heart efficiency. I must sleep on 2 foam wedges to raise head and feet so my heart cavity doesn’t fill with excessive water at night. My cardiologist has told me that each new birthday I might enjoy will be the result of close medical monitoring, extreme diligence on my part regarding exercise (in cardio rehab), and very strict diet (no salt at all). My arthritis spreading through my body makes it very difficult to stand and walk for even short durations, making exercise both limited, and a quite a challenge. My personal goal is to make it to the battery change on my Pacemaker (3years). With diligence and good fortune, doc says it’s doable, but will require close medical monitoring. My fantasy goal is 5 years so I can see my grandson enter High School. It is all ultimately in the hands of fate. I have rambled here through self pity, sorry. I do hope you continue well and safe my friend. I need to know you are still here on planet earth while I still am — and certainly much much longer is my hope for you Ain. Keep your mind alert, head up, and eyes open — and keep your good warm heart and faith in the future brother!

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