~ Marriage – society’s way to prevent us fighting with strangers ~
I ponder confusing observations
that portend unexplained reality
which exist belying understanding
one being certainly — matrimony
two people surrender independence
to practice exclusive codependence
then regret embracing monogamy
to only envision autonomy
I question logical humanity
it appears unquestioned insanity
rob kistner © 2022
Spicy poetry at: dVerse
*and just for fun, up next — a lil’bit’a marital buzz-kill truth…
Ha! Matrimony sure defies logic at times. Love your tongue firmly in cheek take, Rob.
Great compilation of songs too.
Thank you Punam… 🙂
Love the concept of exclusive codependence, Rob.
Sort of an oxymoron, but it galloped out, so I saddled it and rode on. I liked the subtle nuance. 🙂
Luv the quote that precedes your well pondered poem
Thank you Gillena, glad you liked… ???????????
This is so well described.
two people surrender independence
to practice exclusive codependence
then regret embracing monogamy
to only envision autonomy
Thank you Reena, I appreciate your kind words… 🙂
Indubitably is one of my husband’s favourite words, Rob! Great rhyme scheme in this one. Marriage is a conundrum – but a nice one for some of us all the same.
It can be wonderful Kim, and sometimes just a wonder why… 🙂
Read this once silently, and I’m up very early this morning, without my coffee. Got my coffee and came back and read it aloud. LOVE all those line ending words…they just start to roll off the tongue. Fun one! Fifty-two years of matrimony here….I always picture it like a pair of scizzors….bolted together in the center and one “pair of scizzors”. It is one, but it also separates while it’s still bolted together…in fact, that’s how it operates best…by the movement of the two blades going back and forth. 🙂 Maybe I need another cup of coffee???
Thank sounds wonderful Lil! My current marriage of 33 years has been an ongoing cooperative commitment, one to the other — but I had two prior marriages, that each produced my children, for which i am exceedingly grateful… but those first two marriages were on shaky grounds and collapsed.
It sure does seem that way Rob! Very cleverly done. I liked your accompanying music choices too.
Thank you Christine… 🙂