A Dragon Rises

Original DDE™ surreal art: “Evil Incarnate” by: rob kistner © 11/29/24


When the most diabolical
believe they have risen above
the blood, the shit, the afterbirth
of their human origin

when in their reflection
they see perverse transcendence
towards entitlement
in which no allegiance
or kinship of nature
binds them to their center

nor founds them in the
fevered fumbling fury
of the frightened flesh parade
in which they lock step
flailing for survival

when their insanity of arrogance
so distorts their vision of history
of time
of the ancient

of the sweating
bone-broken reality
of human swill and wallow
through which they likewise trudge

shiny shoes or no

when they blatantly begin
to eat their own
while copulating with false gods
on forsaken gilded altars
of greed
of megalomania
of perjured horrors

then the hour of the beast
is certainly at hand
and the terror of the dragon nature
will rise up
in unbridled evil
attempting to impose
to dominate

if we do not slay this dragon
we will all become
the hulking mass
of the apocalypse
deserving to be struck down

and our fool’s hearts
torn out and severed
by the self-inflicted rapier
of raw ignorance
of lethal indifference

and our empty husks
on the pyre of gullibility
in the flames of banished
abandoned truth

and cowardice

the decision turns
the direction is poised

that moment is here

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


14 thoughts on “A Dragon Rises”

  1. Thank you for the blast of Joni this cold, wet Wednesday morning, Rob, and for a dragon poem to get the blood pumping. I think humans are more diabolical than dragons. The phrase ‘sweating bone-broken reality of human swill and wallow’ is so evocative.

  2. I fear that we all have a piece of that dragon inside… to slay it we need to carve pieces of ourselves and put on the pyre.

    1. Astute realization Björn. We all contribute in some way to the dragons we allow to rise, whether actively or passively. Guilt is like water my friend — it spreads around until it finds its moral level. The more morally low-down an individual is, the more guilt they collect.

  3. An apocalyptic terror may indeed be upon us, thanks to that
    “the pyre of gullibility
    in the flames of banished
    abandoned truth ….” I couldn’t agree more.

  4. hoping we do not become empty husks over the next few years.. but definitely have been inflicted by “raw ignorance and lethal indifference”…

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