All I Need

We need, we want, we struggle, seeking advantage. What we need — balance.


L ife is balance

the keeping of it
the regaining of it
when lost

that is my resolve
in this new year
to live life more balanced

to continue to explore
how to live on the positive side
of this profound mystery
that is life

this mystery
we are not meant to solve

I will not lose my wonder
I will continue to dream

though I will surely
temper my dreams

it is the winter of my life
I seek achievable dreams
because I seek the joy
of achievement

that to-the-bone-satisfaction

I want to love better
love born of the heart
love born of the soul

beyond love of the body

been there
done that

genuine love
I am convinced
is the gateway
to the great mystery
that is life

I still pursue that mystery

in the end
love is all I need

the love I know
is the love I show

the love I take
is the love I make

I want to learn
how to truly share
pure love
to love with gratitude
to love in peace

just as the butterfly
lights upon the petal
I want to learn
how to hold love

not grasp love
not smother love

love is the truth
I seek truth

love maintains the balance
I seek balance
as I walk my final path
through the beauty of life

the bottom line
I seek to live
until this season turns

from there
we’ll see where it goes

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: dVerse


18 thoughts on “All I Need”

  1. Nice resolution, keeping balanced. I try that literally but when walking far I use my cane. My therapist said I should carry it all the time. I slightly, quietly smiled when learning you “will continue to dream,” like you can control yours!! Haha 🙂 (a tease, I knew that wasn’t was what you meant)

    1. Aside, sort of. Last January I tripped on my own feet and fell backwards off the edge of a swimming pool. From that I broke my right foot’s big toe. It has calcified but the bone hasn’t grown together. Walking without the can makes my foot hurt now. But I also keep using it for balance and to help me walk straight.

      1. Mrs. Jim had a scooter for when she had double bunion foot surgery. But the hand break freaked her out and so she took it back before she ran over somebody or something. She was on crutches until the doc said she could wear a boot. But most folk get around fairly well with them.
        Thanks for peeking in on me. For sure our daughter is having open house for the family, five of her bridge playing friends, and three adjoining neighbors. No travel plans yet.

        1. My electric scooter has electric braking Jim. When you release the acceleration lever, it brakes automatically, and reasonably quick and smooth.

  2. Such wise words, Rob! We could all take a leaf from your book and strive for balance in all we do. Truly a beautiful write. 🙂

  3. Dear Rob,
    A poem for all of mankind to embrace … the yin / yang of life.
    My philosophy as well “I will not lose my wonder I will continue to dream.”

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