Twilight Approaches

In the news, 11 April 2008 14:49

“Terry Pratchett ‘angry’ at Alzheimer’s diagnosis”

I have a friend of many years, who received this same diagnosis as author Terry Pratchett. When I came across this sobering headline above, it put me in mind of my friend.
Inspired by Terry, I wrote this poem remembering my friend, caught in the horrible grip of Alzheimer’s

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Twilight Approaches


this morning’s sun comes crisp and bright
enfolding my waking in warmth
and vivid presence
the world fresh and fascinating

I embark toward noonday
the joy of discovery palpable
senses saturated and alive
blissfully consumed

by a deep satisfaction
that permeates this afternoon
my soul is full my mind is clear
my heart — overflowing

as dusk descends upon this place
with heady grace and expectation
my stride is smooth and steady
the downing sun — a gentle gold embrace

early shadows fall soft across my face
as vesper’s velvet blanket
drapes its comfort ’round my shoulders
splendid calm envelops me

yet there are other shadows
strange distractions
that disrupt my moments
they come unannounced – almost imperceptible

but there is still far to go
I am eager to journey
drawn by the beauty
that is the rising moon in sunset

facing into the evening breeze
I venture onward
rolling amber and coral
spreads across the horizon

again the shadows shift
dull confusion finds me
I lose my pace and focus
to draw up in momentary halt

nagging concern
disquiets me
a stab of panic
pierces my solace

unwelcome bewilderment
grips me
holds me
uncomfortable in my skin

a cloud of frustration
sweeps over me
obscuring briefly
my purpose and destination

then the fog wafts
and again I see
across the veiled valley
my hearth & home

but I wander
and once more lose the path
as the mist settles
like a shroud

twilight is coming
much too quickly
and my concern
at first a nuisance — mounts

a gathering fear
gnaws inside
fear I will not make it home
before this sunset

I am afraid
to lose this light
I am afraid
to lose my way

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

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• I chose to write this piece to reflect the very early stages of Alzheimer’s when the individual is not certain what is happening and has not yet been diagnosed – but is beginning to become concerned, and the fear begins to rise.

In some ways, this is the disease at its most devious. It is manipulating the person, yet they’re not aware what evil is overtaking them.

This piece was written to emphasize that devious nature. Alzheimer’s is a sneak thief that subtly begins to disrupt our daily life, and steal pieces of time, creating a fractured reality — that gradually grows more and more unsettling. It then begins to rob us of our life-learned skills, our talent, our grace, and our dignity. Finally it kidnaps our memories, our loved ones — and then takes our life.

The stanzas are of gradually diminished size to reflect the diminishing nature of this killer •

…poem written in response to prompt #89, found at “readwritepoem”





his rant can be heard above the bustle of the homeward privileged
coarse ramblings from the rancid shadows
as fetid hands lift flame to spoon
and bring to boil the milk of his deliverance

he glides cold steel into the froth of sweet promise
still warm with transformation
to impale his demon with the blessed dagger
as silver-white dreams carry him away

gone – long before the battered wound will coagulate

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to prompt #88, found at “readwritepoem”

…and one at Sunday Scribblings

My Hand


My Hand


I bring my hand
gently to your mouth
quiet your voice
for I am certain

if you loose your words
into this twisted world

they’ll be distorted

if you raise your song
over this deafened land

it will be lost

should your truth escape
into this barren place

it will die
of loneliness

if you free your love
in this frigid time

there will be no place
it can find warmth

save here
within my hand

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

The Feast

This is a seond draft of a piece I wrote quickly in response to a prompt on Sunday Sribblings which proposed we create a dinner party for anyone we wish — living or dead.

I intend to continue to edit this in place here to tighten it up. It’s fun, enjoy it!


The Feast


welcome to this night’s festivity
a dinner to praise creativity
the main course is vision with a fresh side of wit
it’s time to get started, please everyone — sit

our first guest is Salvador Dali
his work’s ‘out there’ but it’s not folly
he sees life in abstract and paints with great flair
he’s taken his work where few artists would dare

may I present Mr. John Lennon
you might know the band that he plays in
clever and candid what he thinks he will say
I think he might make a difference one day

please greet Mr. Kurt Vonnegut
he cuts to the truth quite literate
his writing is brilliant, his mind so alive
hope you get the chance to read Slaughterhouse Five

this gifted woman’s Joni Mitchell
much talent and wit – she’s insightful
a beautiful mind with a magical soul
the white queen of wisdom and sweet rock’n’roll

the man to my left’s known as Ghandi
his courage is truly beyond me
he rejects violence — it’s peace he does seek
confronts anger with patience — but he’s not weak

this lady’s Amelia Earhart
she’s bold and brave – yes, she stands apart
she’s committed to a great undertaking
solo trans-global’s the flight she’s soon making

our last guest is seated beside her
a beat poet – meet Gary Snyder
honest and spiritual, incredibly smart
his poems about nature stir the mind and heart

this dinner party’s purposely small
and I hope that it satiates all
so relax and enjoy and after we’ve dined
there’ll be one final course, a feast for the mind

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

Deep Summer




Deep Summer


I inhale
then stop

nostrils singed by scalded air
too hot and thick to breathe

I fill my lunges
to bake them in sustaining breath
this inferno to endure

skin weeps

salted droplets trace my spine
baste my neck
gather in the hollow
of my labored chest

hesitant in its struggle

bitter beads bloom and seep
from beneath the smother
of matted soak —
ooze down fevered slope
into my eyes

…and sting

molten sphere in steaming sky
glares down


energy expires
desires evaporate

thoughts grow sticky
coated in midday

tasks at hand
plans to make
will wait

life roils slowly
simmering deep in summer

even dreams are scorched

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


Dark Stream, Deep Current

22 ripples


ripple 1

a place within
closed away from scrutiny
from the world

angry at the wind
at the rain
at daylight

angry at your smile
at the sound of your voice

angry at it all

this is where I live
and how

you come
like a void
false journey-mate

embossed with promises

a coat of synthetic
edges peeled back
its leatherlessness

I wrap it round me
seeking warmth

but it is not supple

it does not hold my form

you do not remember
the bend of my arm

nor the silk
that slid
slippery underfoot
on the marble aisle

as we stalked love
and the vain promise
it would be constant

as the wind
as the rain
as daylight


ripple 2

I lean upon my folded fist
cool against my temple
elbow solid
on my cluttered desk

eyes drooped
and closed
aflame with spoiled sleep

face slacked
head cocked
tilted to the right
heavy with confusion

skull upon the finger bones
in weighted indecision

procrastination presses down

the whooshing hum
of cooling bytes
relentless in my ears

thoughts like digits
on a dollar slot
spin unsettled in my mind

they neither click
nor lock in place
they tumble
in a jumble

they roll and blur
just out of focus
lost in mental fog

sunken in my office chair
I remain

paralyzed by perplexity

by the chaos
awhirl in my mind

the freedom of decision
impossible to manage

nothing will be done
this day

no first step can be taken


ripple 3

do not look upon me
in this untended state
grown over
with regret

rampant with cynicism
with unbridled bitterness

in this winter season
of dormant bloom
waning hope

my color has all faded
gone to random hues of grey
the faintest blush of tint

Continue reading Dark Stream, Deep Current

Be back in June…

After an intense period of writing during April, National Poetry Month 2009, I’ve taken a hiatus – which included the celebration of my 20th year of marriage to my wonderful wife, Kathleen. This period was also touched by deep sadness. I will return sometime in June to begin posting some of my new writing. Thank you for visiting today, and please return. I hope you are able to find something for yourself here at Image & Verse.

So Many Gifts

NaPoMo poem #29

This is the twenty ninth and the penultimate of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This poem is a tongue-in-cheek, but well intentioned look at life’s many gifts, inspired by prompt #29 at read write poem.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.


So Many Gifts


we were granted
many gifts
when we arrived
here in this life

perhaps the most precious
is the gift of family

to endure
the gift of family
and any other calamity
we were bestowed
the gift of courage
the gift of patience
is a part of this

now when we require
more reinforcement
we have the useful
gift of friends

should all these gifts
prove just too much
there is the gift
of nature’s beauty

if we overdose
on all things tranquil
the fallback gift
is our creative spark

to prevent this gift
from being wasted
we have literature
music and art

and to preserve
dark karmic balance
we’ve been blessed
with the critique clique

finally we come
to this the greatest
of all the gifts
that we possess
and that gift being
the gift of love

though we enjoy
all of these gifts
life still can be
quite tough at times

but don’t despair
don’t lose hope

some secret gifts
have we been granted
to give us strength
and keep us going

the first of these
our sense of wonder
and hand in hand
our sense of awe

and should all else falter
there is the failsafe
the secret weapon
our sense of humor

but please take heed
keep careful watch
if you lose this latter
my friend
you’re screwed

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem


Seven Red

NaPoMo poem-set #28

This is the twenty eighth day of poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This set of seven haiku were inspired by the read write poem NaPoWriMo prompt #28, “Seeing Red”.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.


Seven Red


inquiries of heart
from summer red lover’s lips
float like butterflies


green leaves on blue pond
float in golden summer sun
red bird softly sings


golden sun burns bright
scorching the red rock canyon
Sedona summer


eyes red from crying
words cannot be taken back
she will leave today


a ruby droplet
the yellow rose bears sharp thorns
we will share red wine


path forked this spring morne
white-tails chose tall trees instead
redwoods are safety


spring snow-pack’s melting
fresh mountain stream tumbles clear
under red maples

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem



NaPoMo poem #27

This is the twenty seventh of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This poem is an edited rewrite of a older poem of mine and was inspired by a moving personal experience, offered here in response to the NaPoWriMo Wordle prompt #27 at read write poem.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.




unquestionable joy
in a place most unexpected
the crystalline eyes of an innocent
cruel society deems disabled

bent and stooped
impossibly twisted
confined to constant care
and his rolling metal chair

a hardscrabble life
that would drive a lesser soul
to lunacy

but his gentle eyes reflect a wonder
my jaded heart has long since lost
by arrogance extinguished

his timeless spirit knows only trust
it pours forth from his being

positioned close and cozy
to the modest stage
he is enraptured by the music
engulfed within the rhythm

enthralled by this magic
he is beaming
like an angel

the band plays fast
the band plays slow
the band plays loud
the band plays low

he rocks forward
he rolls backward
waves in jubilation
and launches heart and soul
into a wicked shoulder wiggle
as he vibrates unabashed
with pure delight

the veins of his neck
stand out full and proud
as he tosses back his head
uninhibited in laughter
tears of joy
leaking down his cheeks

his person full alive
his essence full aware
his nascent bliss aglow
he is wholly in the now

he is filled with every note
wrapped up in the cadence
sparked by the drumbeat
thrilled by every nuance

he experiences an ecstasy
at which I can only marvel
its clarity and power I can never know

it’s at this moment
that I realize
how much I do not understand

as I behold this able man

faint envy stirs
watching his unbridled joy

so complete
and unexpected

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem



NaPoMo poem #26

This is the twenty sixth of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This is my second metaphysical poem in two days, and was inspired by the NaPoWriMo prompt # 26 at read write poem.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.




as is the spark of birth
the burst of a seed
the first ray of dawn
the tug of love wakening
the moment of humility
the pen to blank page

so is the essence of becoming

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem


Being Now

NaPoMo poem #25

This is the twenty fifth of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This was inspired by a prompt at read write poem to write a “how to” about something difficult to do.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.


Being Now


step gently through the dream-gate

take hold the strand continuum

ride the light that carries you

to the is, was, the will be

transcendence moment

when the all is one

in the perfection

of pure being

here now



• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem


My Words

NaPoMo poem #24

This is the twenty fourth of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This is about a poet struggling with inspiration, pressing to break through writer’s block.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.


My Words


I released my words into the cold
they froze and cracked and splintered
which made them sharp and edged
and piercing

too difficult to handle

I thrust my words into the fire
they scorched and warped and blistered
which made them hot and rough
and coarse

too difficult to touch

I abandoned my words in the storm
they soaked and swelled and sagged
which made them bloat and droop
with heft

too difficult to hold

then I left my words quite well alone
in no adverse conditions

and light they rose up from my heart
and soft they rolled from off my tongue

and true they drifted through the air
where suspended souls could find them there

to take them in
and keep them safe
and treat them in a manner fair

to befriend them
in an honest way
until it was their time to share

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem



NaPoMo poem #24-A

This is poem twenty-four-A of the poems I will write this April, in honor of National Poetry Month, as proclaimed by the Academy of American Poets.

This, like poem #24, is also about a poet struggling with inspiration, trying to block out the night noises and cacophony that surrounds him on a hot sticky night.

• NOTE: these poems will all essentially be early drafts, so edits may occur after their initial posting.




relentless whir
in cycled pulse
drones overhead

coarse whisper from above
promises relief
in vain

blades disturb page edges
at rest before me

in irregular rustle they taunt


no burden of remorse
no weight of mystery
do they bear

no sting of anger
no wink of mirth
with which to be dispatched

no coin of phrase to spend

spills through the open window
the buzz, chirr, and leggy rasp
muffled keens
distant yelps

the edgy din of crawling
prowling night

intrudes in damp insistence
to fill my head
and leave not one small space
for wit or insight

all in vain
there is no relief

nothing clever
or profound
in the air this night

hot, sticky, thick


• • •

rob kistner © 2009


• you can find other NaPoMo offerings at read write poem