


The Wondrous Dream…


sailing on a skiff of dreams
the ferryman standing watch

you soar untethered
‘mong the clouds of wonder

to magical mystical ports of call
where all imagined is in your grasp

if only you could stay the course…
but fast – daybreak approaches

• • •


The Final Dream…


caught in the final dream
called forth by the ferryman

spirit stirs to the distant voice
readies for the journey

one foot still in this mortal realm
soul resigned to embarkation

time folding in upon
as slow you approach the light

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…this piece inspired by readwritepoem
…and by sunday scribblings

photo collage entitled: “charon” | by: h.koppdelaney






this night charles is a traveler
adrift in the mists of time
in a rough-hewn dory of his mortality
curiosity is his poleman

overcome by insecurity
charles has abandoned his reality
to sail beyond the mystery
drawn to the light of clarity

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…this piece inspired by readwritepoem
…and by sunday scribblings

photo collage entitled: “charon” | by: h.koppdelaney


I’ve grown dark in my spirit over the past year, and I want to find my way back to the light and the wonder that used to fill me. I am posting this piece I wrote a couple years ago to remind myself of when I was still in touch with my sense of wonder.





I’ve watched
golden Fire Clouds
hanging in pale green skies
over the azure seas of Toluras

heard the haunting call
of the coral-winged Lellurt
soaring Droon’s violet skies
over teal Darpin Bay

seen the copper leaves
of Parmus fronds
flashing from indigo mountains
in the crystal mists of Gemin

been seduced by saffron Remmors
a’swim with siren song
translucent in the amber waters
of emerald Topiarus

I have beheld exquisite beauty
of otherworldly delight
but nothing to please my eyes and ears
as you, whispering here, tonight

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rob kistner © 2008


fantasy artwork above entitled: “Time Window”
featuring elements from justin and rob kistner
final composite created by: rob kistner © 2006

On The Edge

If hell froze over and if pigs could fly, then perhaps there would be an additional host-venue candidate for an upcoming Olympics — and Kevin Bacon and Mia Hamm could be on the US Alpine Downhill Ski Team? Until then, Lindsey Vonn, Bode Miller and all the international skiers are flying down the frozen slopes in Vancouver, BC… so this is a short prose piece I wrote a couple of years ago, but have never posted here on image & Verse — and to celebrate the 2010 Olympics, I am unveiling it here.



On The Edge


It has all come to this. No turning back now, no room for doubt, no fear, no place for mistakes. Years of preparation, visualizing my dream, of tenacious conditioning, practice, of sacrifice, of hope, is finally culminating in this one moment in time.

I hear the winds whistle in the shell of my headgear, the snow crunch crisp and fresh underfoot as I step off the aerial tram and stride to the starting gate. My skis, waxed to perfection, are thrown over my right shoulder, both poles gripped in my left hand. I vibrate with nerves and pure, refined energy.

As I make the short walk I reflect, “over 90 miles per hour for 90 seconds, airborne, hurtling down the mountain like a rocket, free-falling just at the edge of control, at the edge of disaster… at the edge of euphoria! I love this! I can do this, just don’t catch an edge!” I push that brief slip of negativity out of my head, and begin to visualize, while repeating, “tuck tight, knees flexed, eyes down the mountain, fearless… fly!”

I sit to tighten my boots and affix my skis. I hear the chatter of coaches and officials, the mantra-like self-talk of my competitors, and the clamor of the crowds that collect along the course, gathered exuberantly dense at the bottom.

I begin to slowly tune all that into a background monotone buzz, then a quiet hum, squelching –– until finally, I tune it out altogether. I focus, dialing myself into my personal space, my place of vivid concentration, intense presence… my zone.

Here I wait until my coach comes to lead me to the starting gate, where I check in with the race officials, and queue up. It seems just a blink of an eye and he comes, and I go –– go to what I believe will be victory, my time of destiny. I am ready!

Standing behind the next racer poised to start, I acutely envision the entire course, racing section by section, successfully making and re-making the run in my head, the same one I’ve made many times in practice. I imagine the gate fly open, see myself push off, thrusting with all my might into that first steep drop, accelerating fiercely into the first turn, building a torrid pace, knifing down the mountain, as if an apparition, a vapor, a blur… gone 90/90!

At last, alone in the gate, I see the mountain stretch out below me, the crystalline white falling and twisting –– down, down. This is it, it’s here, my dance with fate; but this is no gamble. I am so totally ready for this, ready to roar down the icy slope, surge across the finish line… ready to fly!

The starting tone begins to pulse. My mind links into the cadence, my body feels the rhythm. My vision grows sharp, my senses keen, my surroundings –– vibrant. Time is folding into slow motion, honing down to the long-awaited instant, the critical split-second. My legs are wound springs, my arms and shoulders are powerful pistons, my heart, a thunderous locomotive. The brink is reached, then crossed. The gate swings away as I launch, in one mighty explosion…

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


•> collage above entitled: “On the Edge” — by: rob kistner © 2008

…this post was sparked by a prompt at sunday scribblings

The Failure of Architecture

…this is a poem about the dehumanizing impact of the cubicle’d corporate world, and the often questionable ethics that pervade it…


…collage entitled: “Robotomy” – by: rob kistner © 2004…


The Failure of Architecture


they rise gargantuan
icons of the clever human

they vibrate
with the chaos of mixed agenda

they hum with networked urgency
data outdistancing comprehension
‘we can’ beyond the reach of ‘should we’

bedecked in stainless
and stone
ablaze in halogen and neon
strewn here and there with art
their essence remains sterile
their foundation is profit
their cornerstone often cupidity

in varying shape and differing size
swollen with the buzz
and clatter
of corporate cacophony

they flank in concrete corridors
that criss and cross
ensnared in the honk
and roar
of gridlocked anguish

soaring above the drone and glare
and the dirge of dying dignity
these pretentious monoliths can intimidate
emotionally eviscerate
creatively castrate
spiritually suffocate
stagger and stun

a cold calculated majesty

ultimately — this architecture fails
for it does not move the soul
that seeks the folded petal’s mystery

that marvels
at the smallness of a sprouting frond
the beauty of a burled oak
the magic of a budding branch
at the glory of a redwood’s rise

it does not lift the spirit
soothed by a morning breeze
whispered in autumn aspens
or stirred by a loon’s lament
over the still water of a dusk lake
or thrilled by the song of birds
the mighty swoop of a redtail hawk
or captivated by a coyote’s midnight call

it cannot touch the heart
that needs to see a salmon’s trek
the dolphin’s arc in an open sky
the roll of unobstructed clouds
or a fall of stars

it offers nothing to the dreamer
who needs to hear the crack of thunder
resound for miles across the plain
then off the mountain’s face again


this architecture fails the human core
that needs the fresh embrace of rain
the crisp and quiet drift of snow
the hues and sway of living fields

it leaves the spirit cold
that needs to watch the orchards bloom to fruit
see forests thick beyond horizons
or feel the lift of cresting surf


there are no human constructs
that satisfy this need to know true splendors
evolving natural wonders

wonders that inspire
resonate the heart
that liberate the soul
to leave one…


• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…this edited rewrite, of a poem I wrote in 2007, was inspired by a prompt at sunday scribblings

Love & War (two poems)


Love & War


The Nightmare


my eyes

crisp from the day’s cruel sun
burnt by devastation’s fires
scorched by images of relentless horror

take refuge
in this late-evening fog
settling heavy as a shroud

mercifully obscuring

I am sustained
by this damp pall
that descends cool upon me

wraps ‘round my pained countenance
fevered with fatigue
twisted with despair

by a faded memory of honor
a faint echo of duty
a frayed thread of human dignity

I stumble
broken by this sin I shoulder

not of my making
but of my charge

my sin

unleashed by others
who would impose their delusions
to advance their evil agenda

those who would rule the world

a world now broken
corrupted by their illusions
spoiled by their vanity

a world in chaos
as darkness deepens

this nocturne
I have but this ruin-riddled
highway of blood

of dying dreams
violated innocence
merciless destruction

of horrific death

this path of my duplicity
of my guilt
my shame

and so
I stumble on
bent by the weight of this falling evening
drowned in its drenching sorrow

my spirit hollow and empty
I slink exhausted
into this coming night
the next night
the night that follows
that always follows

captive on this road of murder
of brutal

a prisoner
of this lost highway

seeking forgiveness

• • •


The Return



like a voice in a canyon
I hear you calling
from the past

my name
rolling sweet as nectar
from your lips
soft as orchid petals
full as a bursting peach

glistening deep coral
as they wrapped softly
‘round each pouted syllable
when you bid me tender farewell
so long ago

our fingertips had strained to grasp
until the final sensation of warmth
of touch
had faded

and they drifted apart

I had struggled
to tear my eyes from your tears
that glistened on your lashes
and around your swollen eyes
blue as a deep summer sky

to slip softly
over the crests of your velvet cheeks
down the contour of your face
flushed as sunset
to lightly salt your quivering lips

numb and dazed
I tunneled down the loading gate
toward the jet
that took me to hell

in those final moments
I locked the image
of your sorrowed face of love
deep in my heart

there it lives as my salvation
my only grasp on sanity
in these horrific years

my lips too
had quivered on that day
from the sting of separation

from the chilling knowledge
I would soon taste
the bitter blood of war
foul with the stench of death

not yet departed
I had longed
on that day
to gaze once more
into your brilliant blue eyes
and taste your sweetness on my lips

as I return this day
trying to face reality at 30,000 feet
I taste the salt of sadness

I fear a kiss from me
with my killer’s mouth
will forever defile
the fragile innocence of your lips

soft as orchid petals
full as a bursting peach

that glistened
and quivered
when last we parted

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…photorendering entitled “Blood Orchid” by: rob kistner © 2008


Swept Away – multimedia poem


Swept Away


• NOTE: To insure quality, this video poem is presented as a QuickTime Movie™.

• To play, please CLICK the start arrow at the left in the bar on bottom of image.

Dark Self



Dark Self


hidden from the light of day
another me resides
though keeping to the shadows
a saving grace abides

a darkling essence
scarred and damaged
begotten in another life
another place and time

it is an anger manifest
righteous and so long suppressed
that could not find effective voice
to save my ruined innocence

silent when I had no name
for what I did not comprehend
the woeful time when youthful trust
was betrayed in ways insidious

sadly was this torment done
by the hand of the entrusted one
concealed from blind society
to perpetrate such vile deeds

in this fire of perversity
my molten other self was forged
hammered on my hardened soul
tempered by survival’s hand

to rise and fight the abject fear
cradled within my broken heart
to lift from me my veil of sorrow
and so restore my peace of mind

to stir and wake my sacred rage
and instill my will to live
thus reclaim my rightful pride
to finally stand and say – no more

my shadow self did save my life
in doing so turned me to stone
I did not like what I’d become
I’d sacrificed integrity

I turned away from my dark self
refused its further influence
set about the trying task
of recapturing my dignity

not so easily subdued
this shadow calls when I am weak
so now I live with watchful eye

vigilant – yet thankful

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


collage above entitled: “Dark Self” – by: rob kistner © 2008

• • •

Bad Weather



Bad Weather


you blew in like a typhoon
a hurricane of love
your kisses hot as lightning
striking from above

your passion was a tempest
I was swept up in its force
but now the winds have died
this storm has run its course

my thoughts are grey and cloudy
my eyes are steady rain
my heart’s caught in a cold front
bad weather’s bringing pain

yes, the warm winds will return
as will the clear blue skies
but my frozen heart will ever yearn
for the sun-fire of your eyes

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


collage above entitled: “Bad Weather” – by: rob kistner © 2008

• • •


The Legend

…this is a bit of retro-melodrama written just for fun…


he never quit on his dream, or his humanity


The Legend


permit me to share the legend
of the man who rocked the world
luminescent — larger than life
his bold banner of fame unfurled

with confidence he took each stage
flashed his skills with pride and power
his celebrity rocketed skyward
enormous talent, in his finest hour

a humble tempering childhood
helped him hone his mythic dream
a bright young man with wicked ‘chops’
he could make his guitars scream

his glory spread round the globe
renown and fortune grew unbound
like a rampant roaring wildfire
nothing it seemed would take him down

but terror struck while touring England
unleashing panic, fear & strife
bombs tore through the concert hall
to save his fans — he risk his life

the first blast ripped the back wall
mike in hand, he stood firm and fast
directing the people to safety
they all escaped — now he was last

it was horror in high definition
TV broadcast the heartbreaking sight
a question hung heavy over the chaos
did their hero meet death tonight

the sad truth was the top news story
the brave mega-star had died
all the world was seen to mourn
at candle vigils the people cried

so permit me to share this legend
of this remarkably brave young man
who, possessed of wealth and fame
truly never forgot the fan

• • •

rob kistner © 2008

…photo-collage entitled ‘Hero”, by: rob kistner