
“Went digging through some of my older poetry to find this piece I wrote 9 years ago, March 2010. I remember being inspired to write it watching Hermione’s love potion scene in ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Price.’ I had just purchased the DVD at the time. My grandson was watching the DVD last night, which put me in mind of this poem. Wanted to share it here for dVerse OLN #252. It contains very minimal revision and a slight upgrade in graphic embellishment”





you cannot change
a heart of iron
into a heart of gold

no precious warmth
will manifest
from something hard and cold

a love that’s locked
and set in cast
can never be set free

there is no hope
nor magic spell
not even alchemy


you cannot stop
the hands of time
from spinning ever on

when the sand
is through the hourglass
those days are ever gone

you cannot bring summer back
when the leaves
are off the tree

there is no hope
nor magic spell
not even alchemy


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2010
revision © 2019


  • Click below to check out some fine poetry at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #252

  • Flower





    young flower fresh-bloomed
    engorged with succulence
    bursting with life’s urgency
    vibrantly seductive

    dewy lips of supple petal
    lay open in offered sweet delight
    velvet pistil of gentle blush
    enwrapped in throat of golden hue

    this vision of tender ecstasy
    entices with a lilting sway
    a fragrance to intoxicate
    wafting from the luscious folds

    breathing in the rich bouquet
    all senses stirred and tantalized
    my eyes embrace this visage rare
    pleasured in the heady moment

    captive by such vital beauty
    consumed, one savors slowly
    exquisitely delicious
    this tender bud, full bloomed

    • • •



    (minimalist version)


    young flower

    supple petals lay open
    velvet pistil
    soft in golden throat

    lilting fragrant folds
    stir the senses

    one savors slowly

    this tender bud
    full bloomed

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    …come see what else is blooming at Magpie Tales






    a tear can cloud the brightest day
    song will brush aside the clouds
    is not sadness just a passing state
    but what a melody can chase away

    a tune played true with voice in tow
    little sorrows flee from such display
    thing is, so few will dare seek joy
    and thus succumb to feeling low

    yet when life is lived in harmony
    what hurt you have will drift and fade
    joy in chorus will lift the heart
    it swells the soul in reverie

    is it not foolish to keep bliss entombed
    to see not but the dark and gloom
    sing — and laughter will light the room

    a song is but a little thing
    and yet what joy it is to sing

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • photorendering entitled “Sing For Joy” – by: rob kistner © 2010

    …catch the other tunes at Carry On Tuesday

    Bridge of Auras



    Bridge of Auras


    possessed of all it is I am
    I breath a sigh of longing
    and wish for what it is I’m not
    across the bridge of auras

    I covet not a kingly right
    nor scepter gold to rule a realm
    I seek to fill my barren soul
    across the bridge of auras

    worldly wealth is not my goal
    nor power over minions
    enlightenment is what I seek
    across the bridge of auras

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    • you can find more aura’s at One Single Impression



    Two contemplations on the concept of demands:




    the garment of demands
    in which we’re dressed when we are young
    is often awkward and ill-fitting

    but the self-tailored cloak of expectation
    we put on when we are grown
    is far more difficult to wear

    • • •




    permit me to share the legend
    of the man who rocked the world
    luminescent — larger than life
    his banner of fame unfurled

    he confidently took each stage
    flashed his skills with pride and power
    his celebrity rocketed skyward
    enormous talent, in his finest hour

    a humble tempering childhood
    helped him hone his mythic dream
    a bright young man with wicked ‘chops’
    he could make his guitars scream

    his fame continued to grow
    so too the demands upon his time
    more nights, more travel, more concerts
    but for his fans, he didn’t mind

    his glory spread round the globe
    renown and fortune grew unbound
    like a rampant roaring wildfire
    nothing it seemed would take him down

    but terror struck while touring Europe
    unleashing panic, fear & strife
    bombs tore through the concert hall
    to save his fans — he risk his life

    the first blast ripped the back wall
    mike in hand, he stood firm and fast
    directing the people to safety
    they all escaped — now he was last

    it was horror in high definition
    TV broadcast the heartbreaking sight
    a question hung heavy over the chaos
    did their hero meet death tonight

    the sad truth was the top news story
    the brave mega-star had died
    all the world was seen to mourn
    at candle vigils the people cried

    so permit me to share this legend
    of this remarkably brave young man
    who, possessed of wealth and fame
    truly never forgot the fan

    • • •

    poems and collage by: rob kistner © 2010

    …this post was inspired by sunday scribblings

    Magenta Lace



    Magenta Lace


    furtive strumpet nonpareil
    fumbles from the motor-coach
    cup of bacchus fondled lush
    held close to velvet bodice

    supple breast, soft loin and limbs
    costumed for seduction
    magenta lace and turquoise silk
    kindles lust’s combustion

    sweet undulation in a mirror mist
    of moonlight on the midnight fog
    beckons through the dewy fern
    enticing — come enjoy

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    …this piece inspired by a wordle at readwritepoem, and they all fit in quite wonderfully…

    photo rendering entitled: “Sweet Strumpet”

    The Collector


    The Collector


    this day as I journey
    I come upon a stranger
    standing by the road looking sad
    heavy box held in his arms
    clutched close to his breast

    he stares into my eyes expressionless
    his gaze stops me still
    fixes me in place

    his face is tired and drawn
    etched in withered worry

    when at last I move
    I draw close enough to see
    this sullen man is me

    everyone is born with some special talent
    he sighs
    I am a collector
    of tears shed in moonlight
    the pain of love’s betrayal
    the grief of empty lives

    he concludes
    and offers out his hands
    that open on the box

    he beckons me retrieve
    this container he protects

    filled with apprehension
    I reach and grasp the case
    lift it cautiously from his grip
    lay it gently at my feet

    it opens as I do
    to reveal its strange contents

    three lone broken hearts

    mute with wonder I behold
    confused yet riveted
    I ponder haunted as I do
    then inquire of the meaning

    these are yours
    I am told

    created by your deeds
    cruelly left behind
    as coldly you moved on

    each belonged to one who trusted you
    a trust you did betray
    without a second thought
    love you tossed aside
    abandoned carelessly

    now the burden of this box
    is mine beyond the grave

    eyes lowered in fatigue he exhales

    it was on a road like this
    that it was passed to me
    I have carried it too long
    I am weary from the load

    looking into my eyes he points

    now you must bend and lift
    and clutch it to your breast
    to struggle with its weight
    until you pass it on

    searching the distance he goes on

    someday a stranger will approach
    over that horizon
    he will stop and stare
    transfixed by your presence

    you will charge him with this chest
    then he will lift and carry
    as I do
    in this cycle of forever

    for he too
    will be you

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • photo collage entitled “Broken Broken Broken” – by: rob kistner © 2010

    …see other special talents at Carry On Tuesday

    The Book(s)

    Two books that changed everything for me — “On The Road” by Jack Kerouac,

    and “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” by Tom Wolfe.

    I was a disenchanted-college-student-rock-musician and had just been awakened by the ’67 Summer of Love, when I came upon both of these books in the Spring of 1968 in a bookstore in Clifton, Ohio, just down from the Ludlow Garage, where my band, Stone Fox, had just opened for the Allman Brothers and Santana.

    These books fueled my frustration with “the system”, sparked my wanderlust, and eventually found me and my three best friends, astride internal combustion iron horses, young men heading west — and thus began the rest of my life.

    What these books represented was not a map for the rest of my life, I’m well beyond that angst. Rather, they’re important to me because they were the catalyst that first ignited my genuine independent thought, and empowered me to act on that thinking.

    Following here is a poem I wrote which reflects, quite well, where my head was during that period. You can also click on the highlighted passage young men heading west in the previous paragraph to read a poem I wrote about the motorcycle journey.


    Bohemian Nightfall


    when night fell on bohemia
    the streets were set ablaze
    in black light
    in strobe light

    it was tie-dyed psychedelia
    when night fell on bohemia

    jack and neal were on the road
    ridin’ with the fire-whores
    of angst and indignation
    like combustin’ carnal fireballs
    when night fell on bohemia

    allen was howlin’
    pal’n with corso
    and long’n for peter

    hunter, groin deep
    in the brain-drug flesh festival
    …hunter was fearful
    and loathing it all
    when night fell on bohemia

    bill, stark naked
    was lunchin’ with the devil
    jelly-rollin’ in a hell fire
    when night fell on bohemia

    gary headed for cold mountain
    to watch it all from sourdough
    electric bob went subterranean

    me – stung by disenchantment
    the swollen outlaw bastard
    coming fast
    hard as holy hell
    cresting and crashing in
    just as night fell on Bohemia

    I was on my way
    howling mad
    and mind-expanded
    in a rolling demon’s fire,
    lighting the night
    dancing with beelzebub
    raving and blazing
    lusting and longing to gorge
    every forbidden morsel and crumb –

    the smorgasborgadelic mindfeast

    when night fell on bohemia
    ken and tim
    gathered up the faithful
    on the magic bus
    and stole off with the future

    like pranksters

    ever further

    • • •
    rob kistner © 2008

    …this post was inspired by sunday scribblings






    lilting golden
    ‘long an autumn lane
    carried gentle
    on the winds

    the rustle of aspens
    lush and hush

    like the murmur
    of whispered passion
    from a lover’s lips
    a’tremble with desire

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • photo by: fred hanselmann ©

    …to hear more murmurs go to One Single Impression






    moonlight keeps dark at bay
    pressing in
    as night winds stir
    mocking final breath of life
    lost to the lightless realm
    beyond the chill encircling me

    no emotion here
    save grief

    failed digits of a graspless hand
    on a broken stair
    where ankle bent
    and held oranges spilled

    no voice came to the futile cry

    those lips will not know again
    sweet fruit

    nor love…

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    …come see what else is in hand at Magpie Tales

    The Elephant

    …this piece evolved from both a visual prompt (see below) on Magpie Tales, as well as a “hinge” prompt on Read Write Poem…



    The Elephant


    so many times
    I return home from a business trip
    swing onto our concrete carport
    pause – and key the engine off

    all is silent – save the tick and popping
    as the engine cools

    my favorite moment
    just before I open the door
    to step out
    to approach the house — approach you

    this moment of anticipation

    knowing you are waiting
    bathed and fragrant
    warm and soft
    dressed in something that will whisper
    welcome home my love – I’ve missed you

    to take you in my arms
    fall into your loving eyes
    pull your willing body close
    to wrap ‘round you
    drink you in – intoxicated

    these moments melt into sweet love making
    that continues until exhaustion

    we both love when I return

    but tonight
    I do not key the engine off
    I do not reach for the handle
    do not open the door

    I simply sit

    my warm hand encircling
    the coolness of the ivory fob
    you gifted me with
    on our African honeymoon

    you are no longer waiting
    not in quite sometime
    not since you lost your battle brave
    not since I held you, that final time
    your body still soft and warm

    warm as my trembling hand

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    …come see what else this little elephant inspired at Magpie Tales
    …and check out what’s hinging at ReadWritePoem






    my muse is hard to capture
    though I do try each day
    just goes so fast

    I turn around
    it’s past me in a blur
    leaving little inspiration

    each day becomes each night
    here I sit in the wee hours
    while the sane sleep
    steeped in contradiction

    thoughts vague
    filled with doubt
    words tossed about the unyielding page

    I start then stop
    I write then not
    caught mercilessly unclear
    in terminal hesitation
    in quiet rage

    fickle muse – please…
    a spark to light this dark
    that grips me like a cage

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    • photo collage entitled “Seeking the Muse” – by: rob kistner © 2007

    …see who is going fast at Carry On Tuesday

    …discover who is hesitating at One Single Impression



    rounding a bend
    brushing through waist-high fern
    I crest a knoll and stop


    awash in the warm brushstrokes of evening
    filtered through this woodland realm
    as the waning sun paints the world golden

    below me
    a pristine ribbon of silver-blue water
    flecked with sunlight
    sparkles like a strand of gems

    I marvel at the beauty
    at the power
    of this mighty river

    as it tumbles in timeless clarity
    over boulder and falls
    ever onward

    its lyric voice
    beckons me

    I come
    stand immersed in its energy
    captivated by its duet with the wind
    that plays the boughs of the towering pines
    singing down the lofty climbs
    to gently brush my face
    toss my hair
    and dance past me round a bend
    in perfect harmony

    serenaded in this evensong
    sunset has melted into moonrise
    the waters ripple sterling in soft applause

    the moon sets aglow this splendid concert
    so I listen

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010


    • photographs taken near my home in the Cascade Mountain foothills

    top photo entitled: “Sunlight on the Clackamas”
    bottom photo entitled: “Moon over the Santiam”


    …this edited rewrite of an older work of mine was inspired by sunday scribblings





    unfurling in linear spiral
    time escapes into the future
    tethered to the past
    ever captive in the now

    over and over
    repeating in my head
    these same strange words
    the same chilling voice
    over and over

    unfurling in linear spiral
    time escapes into the future
    tethered to the past
    ever captive in the now

    always the same fevered dream
    the fear
    the guilt
    the regret

    I am fallen
    unable to lift my head

    it’s then I see him
    see him coming
    slowly out of the mist
    always coming

    his sour smile

    I want to rise up
    run at him
    scream at him
    strike at him

    run from him

    but I cannot
    I cannot

    again that haunting voice

    unfurling in linear spiral
    time escapes into the future
    tethered to the past
    ever captive in the now

    but what
    what does it mean

    I’m going
    going — I think
    going mad

    what does it mean

    why — charles
    it means nothing
    and everything

    and yes — charles
    you are going mad

    who are you
    how do you know my name
    why won’t you leave
    leave me alone
    what do you want!


    why – you, charles
    tethered to your past
    ever captive in this now

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    Running Out


    Running Out


    he runs his fingers through her hair
    tears run down his cheeks
    he holds her near
    too late protected

    he runs the events
    over and over in his mind
    the horrible events

    our golden lab
    running out into the street
    you running out after
    right into the path

    run down

    why did you run

    now time
    and your precious life
    running out
    running out

    • • •

    rob kistner © 2010

    …discover what else is running at One Single Impression