she’s left only her jacket on
blousing open
the gold of her badge
glints fetchingly
in the glow of candlelight
her breasts
partially veiled
soft in the amber wash
gently rise and fall
with her heavy breath
my eyes glide her length
fondled warmly
by the lush half-light
folding upon her
from the single flame
they pause
entranced by the velvet flower
sensuously shadowed
in the satin cleft
where supple limb
meets supple limb
intoxicated by this vision
I can only stare
and melt
utterly arrested
~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2012
The “X” rated 2018 version

unbuckling her regulation holster
she lays it neatly
on the sest of her cycle
she removes the rest of her wespons
and places them on the ground
she is now unarmed
but she is still packin’
she lets her regulation uniform trousers
slide in a nylon rustle
down her thigh high lace tops
to fall
gathered at her sculpted ankles
leaving her regulation leather heels on
she steps over her slacks
abandoned at her feet
she walks toward me slowly
hips pivoting left then right
taut thighs mesh silken
swish swish swish
placing one foot
in front of the other
striding with authority
heels sounding
click click click
she approaches
backlit by the red and blue pulses
of the BMW’s frenzied lightbar
she stops
straddling over me
as I am handcuffed
sitting on the highway
leaning agaist the door
of my Audi R8
popping and snapping
as the 610 hp’s cool
she unbottons her regulation jacket
and drops it at my side
she’s left only her regulation shirt on
as she unbuttons
it blouses open
her body badge is revealed
the gold glints fetchingly
as it dangles
on a thick leather cord
from around her smooth firm neck
resting nestled
in the perfect cleavage
of her pert young
braless breasts
these are tits
perfect tits
right out of a teen’s temptation
aglow in amber warning lights
her nipples
proudly erect
partially veiled
soft in the amber wash
gently rise and fall
with her heavy breathing
leaning over
fixing me with her fiery eyes
she speaks
“you were driving recklessly – sir”
then rips away her black string thong
looking up
my eyes glide slowly
lustfully down her length
fondled warmly
by the flashing golden-orange
folding and refolding
upon her luscious flesh
they pause in gentle decent
entranced by the velvet mons
shorn smooth and oiled
sensuously shadowed
in the satin cleft
where supple limb
meets supple limb
intoxicated by this vision
I can only stare
swelling rigid with excitement
and swoon
utterly arrested
eager for interrogation
~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2018