That’s Stretching It!

As this is Thanksgiving Day in America, the undeclared celebration of overeating, thought I’d respond in kind to today’s dVerse prompt, from Grace, that we compose a Quintain. I have stacked two Quintains, in the spirit of a limerick. By definition, a humorous, frequently bawdy or tasteless verse, often of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba, popularized by Edward Lear.

YOU WERE WARNED! This is tasteless humor, but not meant to offend large individuals, as I am myself, but rather to suggest to folks like myself, to exhibit some dignity, and not go parading around in public in Spandex. As you can see from my friend pictured here – it is certainly not flattering.


That’s Stretching It!


it’s amazing what spandex can bind
no matter how huge the behind
they mash and they they jam it in
they grunt and they cram it in
it’s enough to make you want to go blind

then they stuff in their gigantic belly
looks just like a balloon full of jelly
then off they do waddle
thinkin’ they look like some model
to buy chocolate ice cream at the deli

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2018

Poetry form: English & Spanish Quintain

NaPoWriMo #19 – Ah Hah!

This is my nineteenth post for National Poetry Month 2010
• one limerick
• one tanka


• inspired by Rallentanda’s day 19 prompt at read write poem





it struck me the moment I met you
I just didn’t want to upset you
didn’t know how you’d act
if I acknowledged the fact
but now that you’ve asked guess I’ll have to

I know that we’ve only just met
it’s not something I’ll soon forget
but since you want to know
I’ll deliver the blow
but wait cause I’m not ready yet

I fear I’ll be breaking your heart
perhaps tearing your world apart
dropping this kinda news
is like lighting a fuse
so please give me a running head start

this is not what I’d hoped to discuss
and you must know you’ve got a surplus
but man in those slacks and shirt
you’d make a blind man’s eyes hurt
so, do you hold that thing up with a truss

• • •

…now before anyone judge me too harshly, let it be known that I have more in common with this gentleman than I care to admit, and — I couldn’t help myself, I believe the devil made me write this…






it’s as clear as day

nothing needed to be said

it’s so obvious

should have seen it right away

suddenly it was – Of Course!

• • •

• limerick and tanka by: rob kistner © 2010


…check out the other ah-hah’s at readwritepoem

In Duct’d


In Duct’d


mom’s requests he would always deny
“do I have to” his favorite reply
when asked to do chores
he flew out the doors
shouting “gotta go mom, so good-bye”

his mother had enough of his flack
this chore-time she’d counterattack
to block his escape
she sealed the doors with duct tape
the collision knocked him flat on his back

finally be began to come to
as he lay on the floor black and blue
he learned something today
that it’s true what they say
there ain’t nothin’ that duct tape can’t do


rob kistner © 2006