As is the spark of birth, as is the burst of a seed, as is the first ray of dawn, as is the tug of love awakening, as is the moment of humility, as is the pen to blank page — so is the essence of becoming.
As is the marriage vow, as is the shifting wind, as is the chrysalis, as is the moment of death, as is the boil or freeze of water, as is pursuit of a new direction, as is the solstice — so is the essence of change.
As is the month of May — so is unwritten possibility, so is renewal, so is a great lifting of the spirit. As is the opening of the blossoming daisy, so is the gentle opening of the heart, warming to love
Here’s a love story to blow yer mind
about danny and his big ole belly
who loved dotty and her grand behind
now neither one looked like a model
but their passion was well defined
they loved to go dancin’ dressed up tight
yes it’s amazing what spandex can bind
they’d shake it like balloons full of jelly
they’d feel the feels — the big love kind
they’d dance n’dance like crazy
they’d bounce jiggle and roll
neither one of them was lazy
they’d go and go and go and go
‘til morne was dew-drippin’ hazy
‘til the world was a golden glow
‘til they both were feelin’ spacey
‘til they stirred their hun’gry souls
then make lotta’love — a wee bit racy
Peace and quiet is not always easy out here on my back deck in the months of early Spring. As Seattle lies nestled in a flyover zone for Canadian Geese, it can be rather noisy in the evening when I’m out trying to enjoy the relaxation of sunset. These beautiful creatures are flying V-formation north into Canada. It’s breeding time. The propagation urge stirs in their blood. The honking is on the wing — look out below!
Fascinating how nature has instilled such instinctual “body clocks” in so many of its wondrous beasts — fur, fin, and feather. Just as the powerful bear knows when to hibernate, and the agile salmon knows when, and even where to spawn – the gorgeous geese of Canada know when it’s their time. Something told the wild geese it was time to fly. That something was their amazing natural cyclical imprinting
Oh spirits
of toned wood and bamboo bent reed
of taut tuned steel and sizzlin’ skins
come to me now — jazz must be saved
jazz must be served — we’ll riff contrapuntal
play for me in healing virtuosity
I found a box and jammed it with jazz
whisper to me in purest resonance
unleash the chordal’d structure
espouse the harmonics of truth
tell all about the wirebirds
we must take violaville by storm
strummin’ wild in the tenth world
taunt me in a 3/4 minor chord flurry
of rich sizzling scalded jazz
I found a box and jammed it with jazz
here I come — I am an inferno
ensemble desire rages strong
as we rise skyward in musicality
ride’n the bliss of improv in scat
soaring in untethered sacred syncopation
well damn — we’re totally musicalirious
Selfies find me quite perturbed
one might say I look disturbed
it’s just that I’m fed up to here
with all the lies, truth is blurred
patience has been left behind me
might just loose my mind completely
madness seems to grip this world
that’s lost interest in reality
so who’s to say that I can’t fly
and whose right is it to question why
I wear my trousers inside out
it keeps the pockets dry
I see you smirking at my hat
it’s aluminum foil — imagine that
it helps with my cell phone reception
and fascinates my cats
yes I do lose track of time
hours, days — is that a crime
you know it’s all just one’s perspective
and I am very fond of mine
and I’ve a language of my own
like no other you’ve ever known
I speak it only to myself
and only when I’m all-alone
now if you see me on the street
notice the bells upon my feet
the ringing’s meant to scare you
not meant to be discreet
am I strange — perhaps that true
but I’m not nuts — I’m just offbeat
yet — sanity is so damned hard to find
this world has lost its fucking mind
These are some thoughts I posted to share on Earth Day 2010. They arose from my heart, and expressesed my great concern for this planet earth, and all of us who are traveling aboard her. What is sad is they are more relevant and concerning today, Earth Day 2024. If you are not in the mood for heavier fare, you can skip down to the haibun posted below this message.
For those reading here on, I see our global society becoming more and more desensitized to killing, suffering, the dignity of women, our failing stewardship of this planet, and the value of life in general.
Popular art reflects culture; it has in all of history. The ongoing proliferation of movies, video games, music, comic books, our dress and personal trappings, TV, even the TV commercials; this all cast a disturbing reflection of the direction a core section of the people of the earth are moving.
And the less than subtle movement to cast doubt, even ridicule, on those who believe that the care of this world needs our attention — NOW!
One might argue that any of these issues individually, is perhaps not necessarily dire. But taken as whole, it is a matter that begs to be examined — I feel.
Our children and adults alike, spend hours playing graphic video games in which the sole purpose is bloodletting, maiming, and murdering, in the most violent and gruesome ways. There are many wonderful video games, but the breadth and depth of the “snuff” games is cause to pay attention.
The gladiator-like fighting cultures that have arisen in recent years is something to look at. These are no longer pugilistic contests, or the “staged” violence of pro wrestling, in themselves, both a bit unsettling — these are blood bouts for the sake of blood. In Rome, the rise of gladiators was a sign of the accelerating decline of the Roman Empire. We’re not there yet, but what does this increasing thirst for blood have to tell us?
Another litmus that has always reflected the culture, is the impact of human religious constructs. Too often, the role they play is the manipulation and repression of our freedoms. I have nothing against the numerous religious constructs man has created. For those so drawn, they are a place for the safety and certainty they require.
However, when radical religious minorities begin to attempt to dictate and rule the masses, imposing their constructed values and fundamentalism, especially when they claim it is the “will of god“ — we’ve got to take serious notice.
These are the signs that point to the stripping of freedom, the neglect of responsibility, the repression of individual thought and personal rights — and essentially, the eradication if the essence of personal accountability. Today, with the rise of the repressive extreme fundamentalism that we see around the globe, it is akin to the eve of the dark ages. I don’t think we will descend to those extreme depths, but what does it mean when we have so many who would lead us there — even if unwittingly?
I so want to champion optimism — but I cannot and will not turn a blind eye to the signs I see. None of us had better do so. We all need to become proactive for balance. That is the key — balance. Balance the extremes of this world; ecological, social, moral, financial, and the like.
To be proactive I have started this creative blog, Image & Verse, to begin, in my small way, to penetrate the root sensitivity of our society. I firmly believe the embrace and expression of creativity is the key to elevating our human species.
I write poetry, speaking in sparse focused voice at times, entertaining lofty and beautiful thoughts at others, also embracing our human sensitivity and sensuality, and holding a mirror to reflect what is beautiful, or to reflect what I see as troubling — because I believe poetry has the power to penetrate the human psyche to greater depths than any written form.
Poetry actually has the ability to alter people on a level that strict written word often cannot. If I write an essay, I make you think; maybe even alter your opinion. I write a poem, I have the chance to make you feel something, in your core — that can alter your hardwired being. I believe this.
I think we urgently need to probe to these depths of the human psyche now, to send out these altering sparks, because I think there is trouble brewing, on some fronts, that could have dire consequence for the long-range future of the planet and for humankind.
I also write poetry to celebrate, to lift up my own spirit, to have hope, to embrace possibility, and to protect my precious personal sanity.
So let us dance, sing, embrace the beauty and the miracle of life and this magnificent world in which we live, and seek joy and truth, but let us not be a Nero. Our Rome is beginning to smolder.
Mother Gaia, you embrace us, you protect us, you carry us safely as we hurtle thousands of miles every hour, of every day through infinite space. You provide for us our every need, sustain our bodies with your abundance, nurture our spirits with your beauty — with your endless wonders.
seeds push seeking sun
sky is pulling with spring rain
gaia yields new life
Your need is simple, that we live in balance with your rhythms, with our fellow travelers on this amazing journey. That we know gratitude, as humble stewards of your countless gifts. We’ve lost our way.
we seek dominion
frail balance has been disturbed
gaia is weeping
Precious mother Gaia, forgive us. Grant us time to again find our way, to find our humility, our center — the balance.