




moonlight keeps dark at bay
pressing in
as night winds stir
mocking final breath of life
lost to the lightless realm
beyond the chill encircling me

no emotion here
save grief

failed digits of a graspless hand
on a broken stair
where ankle bent
and held oranges spilled

no voice came to the futile cry

those lips will not know again
sweet fruit

nor love…

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…come see what else is in hand at Magpie Tales

The Elephant

…this piece evolved from both a visual prompt (see below) on Magpie Tales, as well as a “hinge” prompt on Read Write Poem…



The Elephant


so many times
I return home from a business trip
swing onto our concrete carport
pause – and key the engine off

all is silent – save the tick and popping
as the engine cools

my favorite moment
just before I open the door
to step out
to approach the house — approach you

this moment of anticipation

knowing you are waiting
bathed and fragrant
warm and soft
dressed in something that will whisper
welcome home my love – I’ve missed you

to take you in my arms
fall into your loving eyes
pull your willing body close
to wrap ‘round you
drink you in – intoxicated

these moments melt into sweet love making
that continues until exhaustion

we both love when I return

but tonight
I do not key the engine off
I do not reach for the handle
do not open the door

I simply sit

my warm hand encircling
the coolness of the ivory fob
you gifted me with
on our African honeymoon

you are no longer waiting
not in quite sometime
not since you lost your battle brave
not since I held you, that final time
your body still soft and warm

warm as my trembling hand

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…come see what else this little elephant inspired at Magpie Tales
…and check out what’s hinging at ReadWritePoem






my muse is hard to capture
though I do try each day
just goes so fast

I turn around
it’s past me in a blur
leaving little inspiration

each day becomes each night
here I sit in the wee hours
while the sane sleep
steeped in contradiction

thoughts vague
filled with doubt
words tossed about the unyielding page

I start then stop
I write then not
caught mercilessly unclear
in terminal hesitation
in quiet rage

fickle muse – please…
a spark to light this dark
that grips me like a cage

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

• photo collage entitled “Seeking the Muse” – by: rob kistner © 2007

…see who is going fast at Carry On Tuesday

…discover who is hesitating at One Single Impression



rounding a bend
brushing through waist-high fern
I crest a knoll and stop


awash in the warm brushstrokes of evening
filtered through this woodland realm
as the waning sun paints the world golden

below me
a pristine ribbon of silver-blue water
flecked with sunlight
sparkles like a strand of gems

I marvel at the beauty
at the power
of this mighty river

as it tumbles in timeless clarity
over boulder and falls
ever onward

its lyric voice
beckons me

I come
stand immersed in its energy
captivated by its duet with the wind
that plays the boughs of the towering pines
singing down the lofty climbs
to gently brush my face
toss my hair
and dance past me round a bend
in perfect harmony

serenaded in this evensong
sunset has melted into moonrise
the waters ripple sterling in soft applause

the moon sets aglow this splendid concert
so I listen

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


• photographs taken near my home in the Cascade Mountain foothills

top photo entitled: “Sunlight on the Clackamas”
bottom photo entitled: “Moon over the Santiam”


…this edited rewrite of an older work of mine was inspired by sunday scribblings





unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

over and over
repeating in my head
these same strange words
the same chilling voice
over and over

unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

always the same fevered dream
the fear
the guilt
the regret

I am fallen
unable to lift my head

it’s then I see him
see him coming
slowly out of the mist
always coming

his sour smile

I want to rise up
run at him
scream at him
strike at him

run from him

but I cannot
I cannot

again that haunting voice

unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

but what
what does it mean

I’m going
going — I think
going mad

what does it mean

why — charles
it means nothing
and everything

and yes — charles
you are going mad

who are you
how do you know my name
why won’t you leave
leave me alone
what do you want!


why – you, charles
tethered to your past
ever captive in this now

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

Running Out


Running Out


he runs his fingers through her hair
tears run down his cheeks
he holds her near
too late protected

he runs the events
over and over in his mind
the horrible events

our golden lab
running out into the street
you running out after
right into the path

run down

why did you run

now time
and your precious life
running out
running out

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is running at One Single Impression






keep right came the response
redirecting the runner
in reaction to his rapid-fire request regarding the route

racing recklessly in redoubled resolve
certain this resurgence would redeem his rough start
he ran rampant

refusing to relinquish his radical pace
no longer rambling
he raged like a rogue renegade

determination renewed
hope refueled
spirit refreshed
his belief was rekindled that a resounding victory would result
if he would just run

his rally realized
lungs raw and ragged
he rocketed ‘cross the finish line
reared his head
and roared raucously

arms raised in release
tears rolling in relief
he rejoiced

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is running at One Single Impression

So Amusing

…this is a fond homage to Theodor Seuss Geisel and Sheldon Alan Silverstein…



So Amusing


what is it you find so amusing my dear
perhaps it’s the fact I have only one ear
it makes it difficult to accurately hear
so you’ll have to speak that much louder I fear

yes it’s true, as you see, I have only my right
the left was cut off in a terrible fight
and I have not been quite the same since that night
it’s hard to be happy when you’re a pitiful sight

my glasses are impossible to keep on my face
and my hat just refuses to stay in its place
where there once was an ear I have only a space
but having one ear surely is no disgrace

with only a right ear my intake’s askew
I only hear things from a right point of view
so my right point of view I assume to be true
and therefore it’s righteous — what I think and do

now what is it you find so amusing my dear
I hope you’re not laughing at my missing ear
I suggest you had better stop pointing, you hear
’cause a righteous right-eared man is someone to fear

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is so amusing at Carry On Tuesday




The Wondrous Dream…


sailing on a skiff of dreams
the ferryman standing watch

you soar untethered
‘mong the clouds of wonder

to magical mystical ports of call
where all imagined is in your grasp

if only you could stay the course…
but fast – daybreak approaches

• • •


The Final Dream…


caught in the final dream
called forth by the ferryman

spirit stirs to the distant voice
readies for the journey

one foot still in this mortal realm
soul resigned to embarkation

time folding in upon
as slow you approach the light

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…this piece inspired by readwritepoem
…and by sunday scribblings

photo collage entitled: “charon” | by: h.koppdelaney






this night charles is a traveler
adrift in the mists of time
in a rough-hewn dory of his mortality
curiosity is his poleman

overcome by insecurity
charles has abandoned his reality
to sail beyond the mystery
drawn to the light of clarity

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…this piece inspired by readwritepoem
…and by sunday scribblings

photo collage entitled: “charon” | by: h.koppdelaney

Small Stones – trio

…below are three of my poems that have been selected by Fiona Robyn for publication on her “A Handful of Stones” poetry site. She refers to these brief works as ‘small stones’, hence the title of my post. Accompanying each of my selected poems is the date on which it will be published. I invite you to visit Fiona’s site as you will find some wonderful little gems, or rather, ‘small stones’ there…


Dark Dock
bow light hangs heavy in the fog
its beam fractured ‘cross chop water
probing for the dark dock
(publishing March 24th)


For Granted
we fall asleep each night
snug in our bed
confident of gravity
(publishing April 22nd)


green leaves on a blue pond
float in golden sun
as red birds softly sing
(publishing May 11th)

all poems by: rob kistner © 2010



I’ve grown dark in my spirit over the past year, and I want to find my way back to the light and the wonder that used to fill me. I am posting this piece I wrote a couple years ago to remind myself of when I was still in touch with my sense of wonder.





I’ve watched
golden Fire Clouds
hanging in pale green skies
over the azure seas of Toluras

heard the haunting call
of the coral-winged Lellurt
soaring Droon’s violet skies
over teal Darpin Bay

seen the copper leaves
of Parmus fronds
flashing from indigo mountains
in the crystal mists of Gemin

been seduced by saffron Remmors
a’swim with siren song
translucent in the amber waters
of emerald Topiarus

I have beheld exquisite beauty
of otherworldly delight
but nothing to please my eyes and ears
as you, whispering here, tonight

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


fantasy artwork above entitled: “Time Window”
featuring elements from justin and rob kistner
final composite created by: rob kistner © 2006

Seeking Forgiveness

…this is a poem about the horror and ethical dilemma that is war, and the devastating impact it has on many soldiers…


Seeking Forgiveness


my eyes

crisp red from the scalding sun
from devastation’s fires
from cruel vision of relentless horror
scorched by vicious exposure of sentenced gaze

take refuge in this heavy late evening dew
thick with munitions soot
settling like a shroud

I am sustained by this damp cool pall
that descends upon me
wraps ‘round my pained countenance
fevered with fatigue
deafened by weapon’s roar
crippled with despair

driven by faint memory of honor
of duty
of human dignity
I stumble
broken by this sin I shoulder
this perversion
not of my making
but of my charge

my sin

conceived and unleashed
by those who would impose their will
their twisted utopian vision
who would advance their agenda of domination
those who would take it all
wear the conqueror’s crown
who would rule the world

a world now broken
corrupted by their vision
spoiled by their vanity
a world in chaos

I have but this bloodied ruin-riddled highway
of deepening nocturne
of dying dreams
crushed innocence

of my duplicity
of my guilt

my shame

fear not for the future
weep not for the past

and so I stumble on
muttering mea culpa
saturated with this falling evening
with this drenching sorrow
slinking in exhausted alert
nerves shattered as eggshells
numb to panic

into this coming night

and the next night
and the night that follows
that always follows

captive on this road of murder
of mounting evil
of brutal human arrogance
prisoner of this lost highway

seeking forgiveness

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…inspired by the readwritepoem prompt #114, prompt #202 on Sunday Scribblings, and prompt #40 on Carry On Tuesday, I edited and rewrote two separate poems I originally wrote in 2007/2008 – and blended them together into a new single work…


•> click HERE to read The Failure of Architecture, a poem I wrote about the ethical dilemma of the corporate world <•

The Failure of Architecture

…this is a poem about the dehumanizing impact of the cubicle’d corporate world, and the often questionable ethics that pervade it…


…collage entitled: “Robotomy” – by: rob kistner © 2004…


The Failure of Architecture


they rise gargantuan
icons of the clever human

they vibrate
with the chaos of mixed agenda

they hum with networked urgency
data outdistancing comprehension
‘we can’ beyond the reach of ‘should we’

bedecked in stainless
and stone
ablaze in halogen and neon
strewn here and there with art
their essence remains sterile
their foundation is profit
their cornerstone often cupidity

in varying shape and differing size
swollen with the buzz
and clatter
of corporate cacophony

they flank in concrete corridors
that criss and cross
ensnared in the honk
and roar
of gridlocked anguish

soaring above the drone and glare
and the dirge of dying dignity
these pretentious monoliths can intimidate
emotionally eviscerate
creatively castrate
spiritually suffocate
stagger and stun

a cold calculated majesty

ultimately — this architecture fails
for it does not move the soul
that seeks the folded petal’s mystery

that marvels
at the smallness of a sprouting frond
the beauty of a burled oak
the magic of a budding branch
at the glory of a redwood’s rise

it does not lift the spirit
soothed by a morning breeze
whispered in autumn aspens
or stirred by a loon’s lament
over the still water of a dusk lake
or thrilled by the song of birds
the mighty swoop of a redtail hawk
or captivated by a coyote’s midnight call

it cannot touch the heart
that needs to see a salmon’s trek
the dolphin’s arc in an open sky
the roll of unobstructed clouds
or a fall of stars

it offers nothing to the dreamer
who needs to hear the crack of thunder
resound for miles across the plain
then off the mountain’s face again


this architecture fails the human core
that needs the fresh embrace of rain
the crisp and quiet drift of snow
the hues and sway of living fields

it leaves the spirit cold
that needs to watch the orchards bloom to fruit
see forests thick beyond horizons
or feel the lift of cresting surf


there are no human constructs
that satisfy this need to know true splendors
evolving natural wonders

wonders that inspire
resonate the heart
that liberate the soul
to leave one…


• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…this edited rewrite, of a poem I wrote in 2007, was inspired by a prompt at sunday scribblings

Shut Down

…this is a love poem, that addresses its sometimes sad impossibility…



Shut Down


I hope to find you,
Find you, the elusive,
Elusive, hiding from the light.

I want to see you,
See you, the hidden,
Hidden, cowering out of sight.

I long to know you,
Know you, the evasive,
Evasive, running, ever in flight.

I want to touch you,
Touch you, the distant,
Distant, and as dark as night.

I want to love you,
Love you, the frightened,
Frightened, damaged by your plight.

But I can’t reach you,
Reach you, so broken,
Broken, untrusting, shut down, closed tight.

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…poem written in response to prompt #113, found at “readwritepoem”