


We’ve crossed winter’s solstice night
the final dying of the light
as the old year quickly wanes
seasons circle back again

earth’s life cycles reprise
as a fresh year does arrise
may the power of light’s rebirth
bring you blessings of the earth

we’ve passed the longest night
to bask in new born light
day’s stirring warmth increases
as night’s chill grip releases

light slowly overtakes the dark
sun shifts the journey of its arc
each new day light longer burns
as earth’s fertile warmth returns

I watch through thawing window
feeling warming breezes blow
the bitter cold had set me blue
but spring’s birthing feelings new

january light pierces frosted trees
coaxing dormant bud to bring forth leaves
orchards shed their winter coat
soon branches burst their fruited bloat

crop and beast gently revive
first-bloom chutes and newborn thrive
ruling sun casts out the cold
earth’s bounty grows threefold

the planet’s spinning t’ward the light
in it’s wake leaves winter’s blight
earth exudes urgency of birth
nature celebrates in joyous mirth

the pearl spring moon makes one
heady with lustful anticipation
acting quite the lovesick fools
desires sparkle like rare jewels

the elixir of blooms stir notions
they’re most dangerous of potions
to the lusting longing lovelorn
risky randy thoughts are born

the dance of the season’s new light
carry revelers through the night
it is is the dawning of the morn
marks the emerging season full-born

rob kistner © 2023

More poetry at: earthweal


10 thoughts on “Cycles”

  1. This poem swings around and becomes its own proof. That’s the repetitions effect on me. I like especially when the narrator steps nto the poem.

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