Deep Indigo

Original DDE™ surreal art: “Soulfruit” by: rob kistner © 1/20/25

Quietly sipping his steeped motivation, peeling away the fog of another fitful night, somberly grateful for the peace of morning, thoughts begin to un-blend. They gather into a palette of emotions, the colors of mood — moods he recognizes too well. The dark ebony of anger, the shades of pain’s purple. Here is the violet of regret, and the sorrowful blues. But here too, peaceful greens, golden joy, laughter’s bright amber, love’s deep ruby red, and the scarlet of passion!

As he muses, reflections on his mortality creep in, unwelcomed. His failing eyesight shoulders in coldly. He curses his fate, struggling beneath the weight of uncertainty — of heavy emotions.

Reaching to his iPad, midst dawn’s saffrons and corals, he begins typing deep indigo. “I fear the death of light, loss of colors, if it went grey. Where can we find light in this never-ending shade?”

rob kistner © 1/17/25

Poetry at: dVerse

20 thoughts on “Deep Indigo”

  1. “The dark ebony of anger, the shades of pain’s purple. Here is the violet of regret, and the sorrowful blues. But here too, peaceful greens, golden joy, laughter’s bright amber, love’s deep ruby red, and the scarlet of passion!” I LOVE THIS!!!!!

  2. I love color, and I often feel it. I can’t imagine a world without color.
    “I fear the death of light, loss of colors, if it went grey.” Real or metaphorical, it would be horrible.
    Thank you for writing to the prompt, Rob!

    1. Surely does seem there is so much conflict and negativism ratcheting up in the world these days! Now Trump has his fucking bully pulpit back. Sheesh man!! Damn… 😐

    1. We are, how nice of you to ask Li(sa)… 😉 …but our active outreach efforts have gone dormant. First COVID shut down the nationwide juried art shows we were doing, then Kathy’s throat cancer, and recently my health downturn! We even temporarily paused our Fibrations online sales site because we were struggling keeping it going, and neither Kathy nor I have physically been able to seriously consider resume touring the juried circuit. (breaks out hearts) It became more difficult, and more dangerous health-wise. I am in the process of updating our Fibrations site to show and sell our new work. The goal was to reopen the site the first of Spring. We will most likely not be returning to the juried art show circuit. It has become too hard on us, although three of our most successful shows are trying to coax us!? Tactically, travel, setting up and tearing down is such a stress for us at our age now. The act of selling is still enjoyable for me — but you gotta get there and then home again. I have had the idea of a team of skilled artist roadies like
      I had over the years with my bands. Problem there is, with my bands we had a contracted guaranteed budget to work with, not the case with the juried art circuit. I will keep you abreast of the development of our Fibrations selling site my friend. Thank you again for asking! 🙂

  3. as always it’s a delight bothe reading your well-spun words and wandering round your web pages and luxuriating in the sheer boldness and also subtleties of your taste, Rob. And Kathy’s textiles too …mmm.
    You spread light into this English heart-space. May you be wrapped in all available chakras x

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