Deep Indigo

…written for Day #7, NaPoMo 2011…

Deep Indigo


he wakes
unbidden by alarm
lingers in the darkness
warm neath the blankets

fumbling for the lamp
follows moments of procrastination
before he lifts himself upright
slides feet into slippers
to rise ever so stiffly
from the comfort of bed

pulling on his robe
he ambles to the kitchen
takes a cup from the shelf
pours chamomile tea
brewed ready each morning
by the wonders of technology

he retreats to his office
to his chair
where it waits
in a pool of soft light
buffered against the chill
of pre-dawn dark

he sits
sips steeped motivation
quietly peeling away fog
that layers his mind
residue of another fitful night

he is somber
but pleased to be awake
to be alive
grateful for the peace
and the quiet of early morning
fleeting though it is

his thoughts
begin to un-blend
to gather
in a cohesive palette
stirring his notice

slowly they sort
in colors of mood

melancholy greys
fear’s dark ebony
purples of pain and anger
the violet of regret
sorrowful blues
gentle peaceful greens
golden joy
laughter’s bright amber
love’s ruby red
the scarlet of passion

this morning
reflections on his mortality
newly threatened
shoulder in coldly
crowding his reverie

pondering his plight
cursing fate
he struggles
neath the weight of uncertainty

a riot of emotions
overcome him
he seeks clarity

he reaches for his laptop
his tool of resolution
his canvass of language

in the spreading saffrons
and corals of dawn
he begins painting deep indigo

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

37 thoughts on “Deep Indigo”

  1. This is sheer genius… of the best pieces I’ve read in some time.
    “sips steeped motivation
    quietly peeling away fog
    that layers his mind”
    and so many more brilliant images I dare not quote them all. I enjoyed this so much, I will surely be back for more! 🙂

  2. As I was reading, one of the stanzas particularly captured my mind….seems I agree with Andy on this one:

    his thoughts
    begin to un-blend
    to gather
    in a cohesive palette
    stirring his notice

    I often feel my thoughts are all jumbled into one clump. If you think of it in painting terms…they’re blended. Writing has helped to un-clump them…or, in your example, create a cohesive palette.

    Your post reminded me of one of my blog entries about poetry and paint…here it is, in case you want to read it:

    Great poem!

  3. I always enjoy your poems. I really identify with this one, that slow waking up in the morning, pulling oneself together. So many great lines and images in this one. Two favorites: “sips steeped motivation” and “the violet of regret”.

  4. Rob, your poem has many echoes in my own mornings, expressed so much better than I could have done. But I can’t let those surplus apostrophes in the last stanza pass without wagging a finger!

    1. Because they are natures colors of trauma and bruising on the human body, and so I interpreted them the same with regard to the human mood/emotions — that was the logic I applied in this piece… like black, they are often associated with human mourning… they also represent ‘royalty’, which I also see as a negative oppressive human concept… but you can make them mean whatever you want them to Agnija… 🙂

  5. I like the way that you wrote the indigo into the saffron and coral dawn – like dark ink spreading on paper.

  6. in the spreading saffrons
    and corals of dawn
    he begins painting deep indigo

    Stunning use of color to express a feel so familiar–waking and sitting in the dark. Sometimes a phrase just grips you with delight; this phrase of yours was like that for me.

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