d’Terminal Dirge

The future is completely open
we are writing it moment to moment.


D o you
see the salt-tears
fallin’ like cold rain
from d’sterling horn’s bell

or feel the hit-bottom bass
of the fine wooden upright’s
thunderin’ swell

do’ya weep with the wound strings
of a hollow-body gibson

or ache to d’bent reed
of a lush broke-heart sax

ya throb’n with the rhythm
of the skin-taut drum’s beat
got’cha movin’ ya’feet

I am the rock band
playin’ crazy insane
rip riffin’ my guitar
roar’n like a fast train

I am the jazz band
the improvin’ cool hands
turnin’ d’melody ‘round
makin’ it my own sweet sound

I’m also the blues band
play’n careful n’clean
t’mellow the mean
playin’ my sad soul’s hand

I play at the light’s edge
that pools in the night
in a joint on the bleak streets
of the sad brokenhearted

I play to the anguish
of the loveless who cower
in the dark nightmare alleys
of the lost and forgotten

I play to the grief
of the sinners who moan
alone in their heartbreak
in the ruins of love

I play hot as a shot pistol
on the barroom slat-floor
in a puddle’a justice
that sent a po’fool to jail

I am the angel of miz’ry
that falls you flat down t’cry
a voice melt’n ‘round midnight
sing’n wings that can fly

I am a broke piano
in a dead drunk’n bar
squaller’d in shambles
sheddin’ mo’tears

I am the rattle of glasses
on shelves in d’back bar
when the band’s pumpin’ hard
on a packed Friday night

I am the true madman
sometimes d’sideman
in d’dark beautiful chaos
un’da joy’s tearful sky

I am the tambourine’s jangle
in a sweet delicate hand
in a hard poundin’ sextet
on a stage reekin’ reefer

I am the music and anguish
poured deep ina’m’soul
‘til I’m only the both
so to wring your pain dry

I am the storm in the vinyl
v-burned to catch tracks
of m’tears and m’sorrows
and m’fears for tomorrows

are ya’ blind
do ya’ see
are ya’ deaf
do ya’ hear

I am rock
jazz ‘n blues
and a lone angel cryin’

all that fuckin’ music
playin’ angry n’loud
maybe quiet n’proud
or dire and avowed
in earth’s terminal dirge

play’d for all’a us dyin’

You say we can’t kill it
you better think through it
I say your a fool
while I pray we don’t do it.

rob kistner © 2023

Mo’ Po’tree at: The Sunday Muse


~ a little gift to you — Aurora live in Brazil (full concert) ~

16 thoughts on “d’Terminal Dirge”

  1. Well, that was wonderfully done incorporating all those photos. With music one can become many things…it all depends on the mood of the day.

    I am the rock band
    playin’ crazy insane
    rip riffin’ my guitar
    roar’n like a fast train

  2. I doubt if I get to have a “dirge” played for me. Maybe a Willie Nelson sad song along with some hymns. I may pick them myself, and the singer.
    Have you been to Preservation Hall in New Orleans (Jazz)? Or Austin City Limits in Austin, Texas (CW-it is also on PBS TV, but is straying away from CW)?

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