Harlequin Heart

~ photo: Adam Bird ~


The moment of not-spring
is quiet — so still
has no bold herald
just a date
in time

no upheaval in
my earth’s crust
no disturbance of gravity
it’s mute

the moment of not-spring passes
as can the moment of not-love

they both pass by me — so quiet
no disruption — no disturbance

yet then comes the hour
of not quite rain
when love stalls
as the first drop falls
and everything has changed

and when I realize love has — gone
and I am quite truly left alone
the pain is so unbearable
my harlequin heart
wails and moans

my earth breaks — wide open
and the stars fall from my heaven
and sorrow consumes my joy
and earth consumes — me

rob kistner © 2023

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


16 thoughts on “Harlequin Heart”

    1. Wow, thank you my friend. It came to me in three segments, at a kinda distance, as like out of a foggy dream. you So very pleased you like this! … 🙂 the hour of not quiet rain section inspired by Buffalo Springfield.

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