


if far not near
if there not here
one is not
without the other

so is up to down
and on to off
in to out
as hard to soft

it’s good or bad
happy sad
young or old
if hot not cold

it’s stop to go
either yes or no
as is likewise
fast to slow

dark and light
as in day and night
the quintessential
he and she

it is the one
defines the other
as you and me

• • •

rob kistner © 2011


…written for Writer’s Island

23 thoughts on “Inseparable”

  1. Loved the way it is crafted and the opposites making it a delightful read!! It is like two sides of a coin, can’t have one without the other!!

  2. We have been married 50 years and have been in love for 55 years. I am frightened sometimes to think what life will be without the other…hopeful that will not be for a very long time.


  3. Very nicely done. I like the playful exploration of the connection between opposites, culminating in the union of opposites in love. It emphasizes how each pair of opposites relies on the other for meaning and purpose.

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