
Original DDE™ surreal art: “Being Right Is Lonely” by: rob kistner © 1/10/25

Once my truth was my only guide
a rigid compass of steadfast pride
my wisdom I wielded like a spear
to vanquish doubt — settle my fear
in every debate I sought to prove
that my rightness surely would move
your beating heart to my love train
fallacies squelched — truth maintained
to prove correct was my ironclad creed
the flawless path for our love to succeed

now I see my flaw in final glance
the hollow triumph of circumstance
my being right did break our bond
a bridge destroyed – a faith undone
the truth is cold — barren of care
its sharp precision a lethal rapier
to listen — to feel — truly connect
outweighs the pride of being correct
my insistent being right proved my fallacy
your tender heart broken — ironclad shut to me


Original DDE™ surreal art: “Lover’s Accusation”
by: rob kistner © 1/10/25

rob kistner © 1/10/25

Poetry at: dVerse


18 thoughts on “Ironclad”

  1. Some lessons come too late in life, way too late to turn things around. [I have learned the hard way.] As always, your poetry entertains and it teaches. The art is divine!

    1. Thank you so much Laura. This took me a while to get revved up, as I do subconsciously tilt emotionally and mentally against form — but once this piece got rolling, it proved a pleasant journey. I am satisfied of the stage at which it is, but I’m certain if I revisited this piece in a couple months from now, I would edit further — as is my restless nature. 😉

  2. I agree with Helen about some lessons coming too late in life to turn things around. Your poem resonates with me, Rob, especially these lines:
    “to listen — to feel — truly connect
    outweighs the pride of being correct.”

  3. There are only a few truths that are worth holding on to, the rest are of no importance which is the greatest fallacy.

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