Lover to Lover

Song Lyrics
…and a Peter Gabriel mini-concert.

Original DDE™ surreal art: “We” by: rob kistner © 12/3/24

Uplifting dreams for each other
our hearts joined — lover to lover
steadfast — we will prevail

in shadows — keep light shining
keep our love’s strength entwining
our dreams won’t derail

hands joined — journeying on
beyond darkness — we’ll greet the dawn
forever we — you and me

rob kistner © 12/3/24

Poetry at: dVerse


28 thoughts on “Lover to Lover”

    1. Thank you De. I appreciate your enthusiasm my friend, but PG wrote, sang, and produced exquisite songs — that is an entirely different level of creativity! 🙂

    1. Thank you Li(sa)… I was the lyricist, and often helped create the final melody to overlay the chordal structure. But Jay and David created the chord foundations for our songs — and sadly, both are deceased.

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